Submissions from 2009
A House Divided: Earl Caldwell, the New York Times, and the Quest for a Testimonial Privilege, Eric Easton
Families for Tax Purposes: What about the Steps, Wendy G. Gerzog
Linton Family LLC and the Step Transaction Doctrine, Wendy G. Gerzog
Negron: Circuits Now Split 2-2, Wendy G. Gerzog
The President as Scientist-in-Chief, Michele E. Gilman
Legitimacy and International Adjudicative Bodies, Nienke Grossman
Collateral Children: Consequence and Illegality at the Intersection of Foster Care and Child Support, Daniel L. Hatcher
Legal Strategies to Address Child Support Obligations for Nonresident Fathers in the Child Welfare System, Daniel L. Hatcher
Funny Money: How Federal Education Funding Hurts Poor and Minority Students, Cassandra Jones Havard
Leaving Maryland Workers Behind: A Comparison of State Employee Leave Statutes, Michael Hayes
An Open Letter from Heaven to Barack Obama, F. Michael Higginbotham
Stop the Killing: Potential Courtroom Use of a Questionnaire that Predicts the Likelihood that a Victim of Intimate Partner Violence Will Be Murdered By Her Partner, Amanda Hitt and Lynn McLain
Efficient Definition and Communication of Patent Rights: The Importance of Ex Post Delineation, William Hubbard
Foreword Symposium: Having It Our Way: Women in Maryland's Workplace Circa 2027, Margaret E. Johnson
Redefining Harm, Reimagining Remedies and Reclaiming Domestic Violence Law, Margaret E. Johnson
Revitalizing Section 5 of the FTC Act Using “Consumer Choice” Analysis, Robert H. Lande
The Price of Abuse: Intel and the European Commission Decision, Robert H. Lande
Of Myths and Evidence: An Analysis of 40 U.S. Cases for Countries Considering a Private Right of Action for Competition Law Violations, Robert H. Lande and Joshua P. Davis
Betraying Truth: Ethics Abuse in Middle East Reporting, Kenneth Lasson
Bloodstains on a "Code of Honor": The Murderous Marginalization of Women in the Islamic World, Kenneth Lasson
Social Rights and the Relational Value of the Rights to Participate in Sport, Recreation, and Play,, Janet E. Lord and Michael Ashley Stein
Imagining Judges that Apply Law: How They Might Do It, James Maxeiner
Uniform Law and Its Impact on National Laws Limits and Possibilities, James Maxeiner
Operatively White: Exploring the Significance of Race and Class through the Paradox of Black Middle-Classness, Audrey McFarlane
Rebuilding the Public-Private City: Regulatory Taking's Anti-Subordination Insights for Eminent Domain and Redevelopment, Audrey McFarlane
Admissibility of Scientific Evidence and Expert Testimony: One Potato, Two Potato, Daubert, Frye, Lynn McLain
Evidence Issues In CINA Cases, Lynn McLain
Is Permitting Student Use of Laptops in Class a Good Idea? 'It Depends' - A Variety of Approaches is Best, Lynn McLain
The Hundred-Years War: The Ongoing Battle Between Courts and Agencies over the Right to Interpret Federal Law, Nancy M. Modesitt
Return of the Poll Tax: How the Internet Threatens 200 Years of Progress Toward Equality, Max Oppenheimer
Assigning Rights And Protecting Interests: Constructing Ethical And Efficient Legal Rights In Human Tissue Research, Natalie Ram
The Mismatch Between Probable Cause and Partial Matching, Natalie Ram
Integrating Subchapters K and S — Just Do It, Walter D. Schwidetzky
The Influence of Marcus Tullius Cicero on Modern Legal and Political Ideas, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
The Dog that Didn't Bark: Stealth Procedures and the Erosion of Stare Decisis in the Federal Courts of Appeals, Amy E. Sloan
The DNA of an Argument: A Case Study in Legal Logos, Colin Starger
The Disabled Lawyers Have Arrived; Have They Been Welcomed with Open Arms into the Profession? An Empirical Study of the Disabled Lawyer, Donald H. Stone
Presidential Control of the Elite "Non-Agency", Kimberly L. Wehle
Dan Freed: My Teacher, My Colleague, My Friend, Ronald Weich
Muddy Waters: Congressional Consent and the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Resources Compact, Sonya Ziaja
Submissions from 2008
Reevaluating Where We Stand: A Comprehensive Survey of America’s Family Justice Systems, Barbara A. Babb
Introduction to Special Issue on Unified Family Courts, Barbara A. Babb and Gloria Danziger
In the Spirit of Ubuntu: Enforcing the Rights of Orphans and Vulnerable Children Affected by HIV/AIDS in South Africa, John Bessler
Determining the Character of Section 357(c) Gain, Fred B. Brown
A Vote Delayed Is A Vote Denied: A Proactive Approach to Eliminating Election Administration Legislation that Disenfranchises Unwanted Voters, Gilda R. Daniels
Sloppy Joe, Slop, Sloppy Joe: How USDA Commodities Dumping Ruined the National School Lunch Program, J. Amy Dillard
The Colonel's Finest Campaign: Robert R. McCormick and Near v. Minnesota, Eric Easton
From the Greedy to the Needy, Wendy G. Gerzog
Valuation Discounting Techniques: Terms Gone Awry, Wendy G. Gerzog
"Goin' 'Round in Circles" ... and Letting the Bad Loans Win: When Subprime Lending Fails Borrowers: The Need for Uniform Broker Regulation, Cassandra Jones Havard
The Fundamental Goal of Antitrust: Protecting Consumers, Not Increasing Efficiency, John B. Kirkwood and Robert H. Lande
From Medals to Morality: Sportive Nationalism and the Problem of Doping in Sports, Dionne L. Koller
Frozen in Time: The State Action Doctrine's Application to Amateur Sports, Dionne L. Koller
How the United States Government Sacrifices Athletes' Constitutional Rights in the Pursuit of National Prestige, Dionne L. Koller
Benefits from Private Antitrust Enforcement: An Analysis of Forty Cases, Robert H. Lande and Joshua P. Davis
Benefits from Private Antitrust Enforcement: Forty Individual Case Studies, Robert H. Lande and Joshua P. Davis
Torture, Truth Serum, and Ticking Bombs: Toward a Pragmatic Perspective of Coercive Interrogation, Kenneth Lasson
The Domestic Incorporation of Human Rights Law and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Janet E. Lord and Michael Ashley Stein
Guiding Litigation: Applying Law to Facts in Germany, James Maxeiner
Learning from Others: Sustaining the Internationalization and Globalization of U.S. Law School Curriculums, James Maxeiner
Some Realism About Legal Certainty in the Globalization of the Rule of Law, James Maxeiner
The 'Double Feature' of Hearsay and the Confrontation Clause, Plus Coming Attractions, Lynn McLain
Patents, Taxes and the Nuclear Option: Do We Need a “Tax Strategy Patent” Ban?, Max Oppenheimer
The "Reasonable Plant" Test: When Progress Outruns the Constitution, Max Oppenheimer
The "Reasonable Plant" Test: When Progress Outruns the Constitution, Max Stul Oppenheimer
Popular Sovereignty And Legality, Christopher J. Peters
Under-the-Table Overruling, Christopher J. Peters
Tiered Consent And The Tyranny Of Choice, Natalie Ram
The Ethical and Legal Basis for Student Practice in Clinical Education in the United States and Japan: A Comparative Analysis, Robert Rubinson
The Model Rules of Professional Conduct and Serving the Non-Legal Needs of Clients: Professional Regulation in a Time of Change, Robert Rubinson
If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em: A Pragmatic Approach to Nonprecedential Opinions in the Federal Appellate Courts, Amy E. Sloan
Step Right Up: Using Consumer Decision Making Theory to Teach Research Process in the Electronic Age, Amy E. Sloan
Death and Harmless Error: A Rhetorical Response to Judging Innocence, Colin Starger
Jacobus TenBroek, Participatory Justice, and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Michael Ashley Stein and Janet E. Lord
Justiciable Generalized Grievances, Kimberly L. Wehle
Submissions from 2007
Using the "Consumer Choice" Approach to Antitrust Law, Neil W. Averitt and Robert H. Lande
A Comprehensive Approach to Truancy for Baltimore City: A Roundtable Discussion, Barbara A. Babb and Gloria Danziger
A Tribute to Roger D. Groot: Always Mr. Groot, J. Amy Dillard
Separate and Obedient: The Judicial Qualification Missing from the Job Description, J. Amy Dillard
Without Limitation: 'Groundhog Day' for Incompetent Defendants, J. Amy Dillard
The Press as an Interest Group: Mainstream Media in the United States Supreme Court, Eric Easton
Interpreting the Fourteenth Amendment: Two Don'ts and Three Dos, Garrett Epps
Fighting Poverty With Faith: Reflections on Ten Years of Charitable Choice, Michele E. Gilman
If At First You Don't Succeed, Sign an Executive Order: President Bush and the Expansion of Charitable Choice, Michele E. Gilman
Litigating Presidential Signing Statements, Michele E. Gilman
Rehabilitation or Revenge: Prosecuting Child Soldiers for Human Rights Violations, Nienke Grossman
Child Support Harming Children: Subordinating the Best Interests of Children to the Fiscal Interests of the State, Daniel L. Hatcher
Avoiding Harm Otherwise: Reframing Women Employees' Responses to the Harms of Sexual Harassment, Margaret E. Johnson
CASA of Maryland and the Battle Regarding Human Trafficking and Domestic Worker Rights, Elizabeth Keyes
Civil Liberties in Uncivil Times: The Perilous Quest to Preserve American Freedoms, Kenneth Lasson
Defending Truth: Legal and Psychological Aspects of Holocaust Denial, Kenneth Lasson
Educating Lawyers Now and Then: Two Carnegie Critiques of the Common Law and the Case Method, James Maxeiner
Integrating Practical Training and Professional Legal Education: Three Questions for Three Systems, James Maxeiner
Legal Certainty and Legal Methods: A European Alternative to American Legal Indeterminacy?, James Maxeiner
Putting the "Public" Back into Public-Private Partnerships for Economic Development, Audrey McFarlane
Evidence Issues in Employment Cases ALI-ABA and Georgetown CLE, Lynn McLain
Fact, Fiction And Proof In The 21st Century: Evidence And Credibility For Fact Finding By Administrative Law Judges, Lynn McLain
The Confrontation Clause After Crawford v. Washington Montgomery County State's Attorney's Office, Lynn McLain