Submissions from 2003
Public Importance: Balancing Proprietary Rights and the Right to Know, Eric Easton
Speech: The Bill of Rights, Garrett Epps
Breaking the Cycle of Defeat for 'Deadbroke' Noncustodial Parents Through Advocacy on Child Support Issues, Daniel L. Hatcher and Hannah Lieberman
Let Unions Be Unions: Allowing Grants of Benefits during Representation Campaigns, Michael Hayes
Physician Liability and Managed Care: A Philosophical Perspective, Dionne L. Koller
Gender Bias: Continuing Challenges and Opportunities, Rebecca Korzec
Products Liability Harmonization: A Uniform Standard, Rebecca Korzec
American Law Schools as a Model for Japanese Legal Education? A Preliminary Question from a Comparative Perspective, James Maxeiner
Different Roads to the Rule of Law: Their Importance for Law Reform in Taiwan, James Maxeiner
Standard Terms Contracting in the Global Electronic Age: European Alternatives, James Maxeiner
The Professional in Legal Education: Foreign Perspectives, James Maxeiner
Local Economic Development Incentives in an Era of Globalization: The Exploitation of Decentralization and Mobility, Audrey McFarlane
Preserving Community in the City: Special Improvement Districts and the Privatization of Urban Racialized Space, Audrey McFarlane
Expert Testimony And Scientific Evidence, Lynn McLain
"Quick-Takes" on a Few Recent Decisions in Evidence Law ... and Rule 5-407, Lynn McLain
Engaging With The State: The Growing Reliance on Lawyers and Judges to Protect Battered Women, Jane C. Murphy
Enron, Watergate and the Regulation of the Legal Profession, Arnold Rochvarg
Options to Acquire Partnership Interests: Can the Tax Law Keep Pace?, Walter D. Schwidetzky
Estate Planning Malpractice: Is Strict Privity Here to Stay?, Angela M. Vallario
Spousal Election: Suggested Equitable Reform for the Division of Property at Death, Angela M. Vallario
Conflicts in the Regulation of Hostile Business Takeovers in the United State and the European Union, Barbara Ann White
Submissions from 2002
The United States of America and the International Criminal Court, Diane Marie Amann and Mortimer N.S. Sellers
America’s Death Penalty: Just Another Form of Violence, John Bessler
Law Schools Explore Three-Semester Writing Programs, Eric Easton
"Charitable Choice" and the Accountability Challenge: Reconciling the Need for Regulation with the First Amendment Religion Clauses, Michele E. Gilman
After "Hiding the Ball" Is Over: How the NLRB Must Change Its Approach to Decision-Making, Michael Hayes
Collusion over Rules, Robert H. Lande and Howard P. Marvel
An Introduction To The Rules Of Evidence Applicable To Collection Cases In Maryland Trial Courts, Lynn McLain
The Rules Of Evidence Applicable In Maryland Trial Courts, Lynn McLain
Thoughts on Dastar from a Copyright Perspective: A Welcome Step toward Respite for the Public Domain, Lynn McLain
Mathematics and the Legal Imagination: A Response to Paul Edelman, Michael I. Meyerson
The War on Terrorism and the Constitution, Michael I. Meyerson
Dealing with Complex Evidence of Domestic Violence: A Primer for the Civil Bench, Jane C. Murphy and Jane H. Aiken
Comment: Federalism and Two Conceptions of Rights, Christopher J. Peters
The Authority of the International Court of Justice, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
Introduction to Erasing Lines: Integrating the Law School Curriculum, Amy E. Sloan
Giving a Voice to the Silent Mentally Ill Client: An Empirical Study of the Role of Counsel in the Civil Commitment Hearing, Donald H. Stone
Book Review: Limits of Law, Prerogatives of Power: Interventionism after Kosovo, by Michael J. Glennon, Charles Tiefer
Who Determines the Optimal Trade-off between Quality and Price?, Barbara Ann White
Submissions from 2001
Accountability Solutions in the Consent Search and Seizure Wasteland, José F. Anderson
The Burdens and Benefits of the American Jury, José F. Anderson
Current Developments in Cyberspace, Eric Easton
Legal Accountability in an Era of Privatized Welfare, Michele E. Gilman
African-American Farmers and Fair Lending: Racializing Rural Economic Space, Cassandra Jones Havard
Invisible Markets Netting Visible Results: When Sub-Prime Lending Becomes Predatory, Cassandra Jones Havard
Exploitation of the Elite: A Case for Physician Unionization, Dionne L. Koller
Consumer Choice as the Ultimate Goal of Antitrust, Robert H. Lande
Resurrecting Incipiency: From Von's Grocery to Consumer Choice, Robert H. Lande
Why Are We So Reluctant to "Execute" Microsoft?, Robert H. Lande
The Perfect Caper?: Private Damages and the Microsoft Case, Robert H. Lande and James Langenfeld
When Inclusion Leads to Exclusion: The Uncharted Terrain of Community Participation in Economic Development, Audrey McFarlane
Rewriting Near v. Minnesota: Creating a Complete Definition of Prior Restraint, Michael I. Meyerson
The Neglected History of the Prior Restraint Doctrine: Rediscovering the Link between the First Amendment and the Separation of Powers, Michael I. Meyerson
Persuasion: A Model of Majoritarianism as Adjudication, Christopher J. Peters
Attorney Fact-Finding, Ethical Decision-Making and the Methodology of Law, Robert Rubinson
The Idea of Adoption: An Inquiry into the History of Adult Adoptee Access to Birth Records, Elizabeth Samuels
The Strange History of Adult Adoptee Access to Original Birth Records, Elizabeth Samuels
Last Gasp Estate Planning: The Formation of Family Limited Liability Entities Shortly Before Death, Walter D. Schwidetzky
The Legitimacy of Humanitarian Intervention Under International Law, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
The Judiciary in the United States: A Search for Fairness, Independence and Competence, Stephen J. Shapiro
How to Steal a Trillion: The Uses of Laws about Lawmaking in 2001, Charles Tiefer
Letting Federal Unions Protest Improper Contracting-Out, Charles Tiefer
Innocence Protection Act: Death Penalty Reform on the Horizon, Ronald Weich
Submissions from 2000
When the Wall Has Fallen: Decades of Failure in the Supervision of Capital Juries, José F. Anderson
Baltimore City’s Child-Focused Court, Barbara A. Babb and Judith D. Moran
The Incredible Shrinking Law School, Phillip J. Closius
Annotating the News: Mitigating the Effects of Media Convergence and Consolidation, Eric Easton
Legalizing Merger to Monopoly and Higher Prices: The Canadian Competition Tribunal Gets It Wrong, Alan A. Fisher Ph.D., Robert H. Lande, and Stephen F. Ross
Has Wright Line Gone Wrong? Why Pretext Can Be Sufficient to Prove Discrimination under the National Labor Relations Act,, Michael Hayes
A. Leon Higginbotham Jr.: Who Will Carry the Baton?, F. Michael Higginbotham and José F. Anderson
The Glass Ceiling in Law Firms: A Form of Sex-Based Discrimination, Rebecca Korzec
Professor Waller's Un-American Approach to Antitrust, Robert H. Lande
The Three Types of Collusion: Fixing Prices, Rivals, and Rules, Robert H. Lande and Howard P. Marvel
Race, Space and Place: The Internal Critique of the Empowerment Zones Program, Audrey McFarlane
Evidentiary Considerations In Civil Cases, Lynn McLain
Copyright Corner: The Adoption of UCITA in Maryland, Harvey K. Morrell
Evidence Issues in Domestic Violence Civil Cases, Jane C. Murphy and Jane H. Aiken
Collecting Child Support: A History of Federal and State Initiatives, Jane C. Murphy and Naomi R. Cahn
When Daddy Wants Out: The Issue of Paternity, Jane C. Murphy and Cheri Wyron Levin
Assessing the New Judicial Minimalism, Christopher J. Peters
Outcomes, Reasons, and Equality, Christopher J. Peters
The Write Way: Past "AALL Call for Papers" Winners Advise the Hesitant Writer, Adeen Postar
The Elements of International Law, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
The Law of Peoples, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
Teaching First-year Civil Procedure and Other Introductory Courses by the Problem Method, Stephen J. Shapiro
What Law Schools Are Doing to Accommodate Students with Learning Disabilities, Donald H. Stone
The Reconceptualization of Legislative History in the Supreme Court, Charles Tiefer
FDA Censoring of Manufacturers' Postmarketing Commitments in HIV/AIDS Drug Approval Letters, Aynur Unalp-Arida, Charles Shafer, Susan Tonascia, and Curtis Meinert
Living Trusts in the Unauthorized Practice of Law: A Good Thing Gone Bad, Angela M. Vallario
Submissions from 1999
Substance Abuse, Families, and Unified Family Courts: The Creation of a Caring Justice System, Barbara A. Babb and Judith D. Moran
Hell Hath No Fury Like a Fan Scorned: State Regulation of Sports Agents, Phillip J. Closius
Drug Treatment Courts: Evolution, Evaluation, and Future Directions, Gloria Danziger and Jeffrey Kuhn
The Evolution of United States Antitrust Law: The Past, Present, and (Possible) Future, Albert A. Foer and Robert H. Lande
Government as God: An Update on Federal Intervention in the Treatment of Critically Ill Newborns, Dionne L. Koller
Proving the Obvious: The Antitrust Laws Were Passed to Protect Consumers (Not Just to Increase Efficiency), Robert H. Lande
Controversial Speakers on Campus: Liberties, Limitations, and Common-Sense Guidelines, Kenneth Lasson
Race, Space and Place: The Geography of Economic Development, Audrey McFarlane
Rules, Responsibility and Commitment to Children: The New Language of Morality in Family Law, Jane C. Murphy
Domestic Violence, Substance Abuse and Child Welfare: The Legal System's Response, Jane C. Murphy and Margaret J. Potthast