Submissions from 2007
Harmonization Through Condemnation: Is New London the Key to World Patent Harmony?, Max Oppenheimer
Doktrina Precedenta u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama (The Doctrine of Precedent in the United States of America), Mortimer N.S. Sellers
Os Fundamentos Republicanos do Direito Internacional Público, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
You Take My Space, I Take Your Air: An Empirical Study of Disabled Parking and Motor Vehicle Laws for Persons with Disabilities, Donald H. Stone
Congress's Transformative Republican Revolution in 2001-2006 and the Future of One-Party Rule, Charles Tiefer
The Iraq Debacle: The Rise and Fall of Procurement-Aided Unilateralism as a Paradigm of Foreign War, Charles Tiefer
What's Left Standing? FECA Citizen Suits and the Battle for Judicial Review, Kimberly L. Wehle
Submissions from 2006
Reflections on Standing: Challenges to Searches and Seizures in a High Technology World, José F. Anderson
A Truancy Court Program to Keep Students in School, Barbara A. Babb
Reforming the Branch Profits Tax to Advance Neutrality, Fred B. Brown
The Size of Cartel Overcharges: Implications for U.S. and EC Fining Policies, John M. Connor and Robert H. Lande
Federal Agency Action Subject to Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act, Steven A.G. Davison
Regulation of Emission of Greenhouse Gases and Hazardous Air Pollutants from Motor Vehicles, Steven A.G. Davison
Lecture: Second Founding: The Story of the Fourteenth Amendment, Garrett Epps
Some Animals are More Equal than Others: The Rehnquist Court and "Majority Religion", Garrett Epps
Of Secrets and Spies: Strengthening the Public's Right to Know About the CIA, Martin E. Halstuk and Eric Easton
Foster Children Paying for Foster Care, Daniel L. Hatcher
Advancing the CRA—Using the CRA's Strategic Plan Option to Promote Community Inclusion: The CRA and Community Inclusion, Cassandra Jones Havard
Democratizing Credit: Examining the Structural Inequities of Subprime Lending, Cassandra Jones Havard
That Pernicious Pop-Up, the Prima Facie Case, Michael Hayes
Five Myths about Antitrust Damages, Robert H. Lande
Should Predatory Pricing Rules Immunize Exclusionary Discounts?, Robert H. Lande
Scholarly and Scientific Boycotts of Israel: Abusing the Academic Enterprise, Kenneth Lasson
How Antidiscrimination Law Learned to Live with Racial Inequality, Matthew Lindsay
Legal Indeterminacy Made in America: American Legal Methods and the Rule of Law, James Maxeiner
When Are Agreements Enforceable? Giving Consideration to Professor Barnett's Consent Theory of Contract, James Maxeiner
Redevelopment and the Four Dimensions of Class in Land Use, Audrey McFarlane
The New Inner-City: Class Transformation, Concentrated Affluence and the Obligations of the Police Power, Audrey McFarlane
Who Fits the Profile?: Thoughts on Race, Class, Clusters and Redevelopment, Audrey McFarlane
Wrongful Discharge: The Use of Federal Law as a Source of Public Policy, Nancy M. Modesitt
Protecting Children by Preserving Parenthood, Jane C. Murphy
Internet Cookies: When is Permission Consent?, Max Oppenheimer
Use Best Practices to Promote Your Library, Adeen Postar
Britain’s New Preimplantation Tissue Typing Policy: An Ethical Defence, Natalie Ram
Adoption Consents: Legal Incentives for Best Practices, Elizabeth Samuels
Legal Representation of Birth Parents and Adoptive Parents, Elizabeth Samuels
The Doctrine of Precedent in the United States of America, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
Can Appropriation Riders Speed Our Exit from Iraq?, Charles Tiefer
Submissions from 2005
An Analysis of Unified Family Courts in Maryland and California: Their Relevance for Ontario's Family Justice System, Barbara A. Babb
How High Do Cartels Raise Prices? Implications for Optimal Cartel Fines, John M. Connor and Robert H. Lande
Results of a Judicial Survey on the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services, Gloria Danziger and Barbara A. Babb
The Great Writ of Incoherence: An Analysis of Supreme Court's Rulings On "Enemy Combatants", Gregory Dolin
Ignacio Gomez Palacio, With a Note in My Hand (El Pagaro en la Mano), Garrett Epps
Symposium: Bruce Springsteen and the American Lawyer: "Meanness in This World", Garrett Epps
'"You Have Been in Afghanistan": A Discourse on the Van Alstyne Method, Garrett Epps
The Other Sullivan Case, Garrett Epps and Garrett Epps
Poverty and Communitarianism: Toward a Community Based Welfare System, Michele E. Gilman
An Honest Approach to Plea Bargaining, Steven P. Grossman
To Lend or Not to Lend: What the CRA Ought to Say about Sub-Prime and Predatory Lending, Cassandra Jones Havard
An Experiment in Integrating Critical Theory and Clinical Education, Margaret E. Johnson
Does the Constitution Apply to the Actions of the United States Anti-Doping Agency?, Dionne L. Koller
Legal Writing and Academic Support: Timing Is Everything, Dionne L. Koller
Incitement in the Mosques: Testing the Limits of Free Speech and Religious Liberty, Kenneth Lasson
Preserving the Exceptional Republic: Political Economy, Race, and the Federalization of American Immigration Law, Matthew Lindsay
Post-Crawford: Time to Liberalize the Substantive Admissibility of a Testifying Witness's Prior Consistent Statements, Lynn McLain
The Irrational Supreme Court, Michael I. Meyerson
Legal Images of Fatherhood: Welfare Reform, Child Support Enforcement, and Fatherless Children, Jane C. Murphy
Objecting to Court Ordered Mediation, Jane C. Murphy
Domestic Violence and Mediation: Responding to the Challenges of Crafting Effective Screens, Jane C. Murphy and Robert Rubinson
Yours for Keeps: MGM v. Grokster, Max Oppenheimer
A Theory of Access to Justice, Robert Rubinson
Time to Decide? The Laws Governing Mothers' Consents to the Adoption of Their Newborn Infants, Elizabeth Samuels
International Legal Personality, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
Two Rules for Better Writing, Amy E. Sloan
The Market for Justice, the "Litigation Explosion," and the "Verdict Bubble": A Closer Look at Vanishing Trials, Frederic N. Smalkin and Frederic N.C. Smalkin
The Innocence Protection Act of 2004: A Small Step Forward and a Framework for Larger Reforms, Ronald Weich
Choosing among Antitrust Liability Standards under Incomplete Information: Assessments of and Aversions to the Risk of Being Wrong, Barbara Ann White
Economic Efficiency and the Parameters of Fairness: A Marriage of Marketplace Morals and the Ethic of Care, Barbara Ann White
Submissions from 2004
Wither FIRPTA, Fred B. Brown
Licensing Health Care Professionals: Has the United States Outlived the Need for Medical Licensure?, Gregory Dolin
Time to Enter A "Do Not Resuscitate" Order on the National Resident Matching Program's Chart, Gregory Dolin
Who Owns the 'First, Rough Draft of History'? Reconsidering Copyright in News, Eric Easton
The Antebellum Political Background of the Fourteenth Amendment, Garrett Epps
The Undiscovered Country: Northern Views of the Defeated South and the Political Background of the Fourteenth Amendment, Garrett Epps
Improving Security Through Reducing Employee Rights, Michael Hayes
Communicating Entitlements: Property and the Internet, William Hubbard
Expansion and Restriction: Competing Pressures on United Kingdom Asylum Policy, Elizabeth Keyes
Why Antitrust Damage Levels Should be Raised, Robert H. Lande
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Voice Accountability and NGOs in Human Rights Standard Setting, Janet E. Lord
Internet Contracting and Standard Terms in the Global Electronic Age: Perspectives for Japan, James Maxeiner
The Rule of Law in the Reform of Legal Education: Teaching the Legal Mind in Japanese Law Schools, James Maxeiner
The New Japanese Law Schools: Putting the Professional into Legal Education, James Maxeiner and Keiichi Yamanaka
Privileges: Spousal, Attorney-Client, and Priest-Penitent, Lynn McLain
Longitudinal Patterns of Intimate Partner Violence, Risk, Well-Being, and Employment: Preliminary Findings, Jane C. Murphy, Mary Ann Dutton, Lisa A. Goodman, and Dorothy J. Lennig
Adjudicative Speech and the First Amendment, Christopher J. Peters
Client Counseling, Mediation, and Alternative Narratives of Dispute Resolution, Robert Rubinson
Proposed Regulations on Noncompensatory Options: A Light at the End of the Tunnel, Walter D. Schwidetzky
A Government of Laws and Not Men: Prohibiting Non-Precedential Opinions by Statute or Procedural Rule, Amy E. Sloan
Shape up or Ship Out: Accountability to Third Parties for Patent Ambiguities in Testamentary Documents, Angela M. Vallario
Submissions from 2003
Symposium Editor's Note, Barbara A. Babb
Delinquency Jurisdiction in a Unified Family Court: Balancing Intervention, Prevention, and Adjudication, Gloria Danziger
Standing to Sue in Citizen Suits Against Air and Water Polluters Under Friends of the Earth, Inc. v. Laidlaw Environmental Services (TOC), Inc., Steven A.G. Davison
The Aftermath of Sweet Home Chapter: Modification of Wildlife Habitat as a Prohibited Taking in Violation of the Endangered Species Act, Steven A.G. Davison
A Healer or an Executioner: The Proper Role of a Psychiatrist in a Criminal Justice System, Gregory Dolin