Submissions from 2017
Indigency, Secrecy, and Questions of Quality: Minimizing the Risk of "Bad" Mediation for Low-Income Litigants, Robert Rubinson
Realizing Dispute Resolution: Meeting the Challenges of Legal Realism Through Mediation, Robert Rubinson
Partnership Tax Allocations: The Basics, Walter D. Schwidetzky
Temporary and Proposed Section 752 Regulations: Progress or Regress?, Walter D. Schwidetzky
The Negative Capital Account Maze, Walter D. Schwidetzky
The Purpose of International Law Is to Advance Justice -- and International Law Has No Value Unless It Does So, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
The Elective Share Has No Friends: Creditors Trump Spouse in the Battle Over the Revocable Trust, Angela M. Vallario
Rules and Values in Virtual Optimization of California Hydropower, Sonya Ziaja
Submissions from 2016
Maryland's Family Divisions Are a Model for Change, Barbara A. Babb, Gloria Danziger, and Michele H. Hong-Polansky
The Economist and the Enlightenment: How Cesare Beccaria Changed Western Civilization, John Bessler
Permitting Abused Spouses to Claim the Earned Income Tax Credit in Separate Returns, Fred B. Brown
The Hostilities-Occupation Dichotomy and Cultural Property in Non-International Armed Conflicts, Anne-Marie Carstens
The Jocks and the Justice: How Sotomayor Restrained College Athletes, Phillip J. Closius
Taking Patents, Gregory Dolin and Irina D. Manta
One Model of Collaborative Learning for Medical and Law Students at the University of Baltimore and Johns Hopkins University, Gregory Dolin and Natalie Ram
Toward a Reality-Based Estate Tax, Wendy C. Gerzog
En-Gendering Economic Inequality, Michele E. Gilman
Why the Supreme Court Matters for Workers, Michele E. Gilman
Achieving Sex-Representative International Court Benches, Nienke Grossman
Shattering the Glass Ceiling in International Adjudication, Nienke Grossman
Whither Reasonable Suspicion: The Supreme Court's Functional Abandonment of the Reasonableness Requirement for Fourth Amendment Seizures, Steven P. Grossman
Decriminalizing Violence: A Critique of Restorative Justice and Proposal for Diversionary Mediation, M. Eve Hanan
Medicaid Maximization and Diversion: Illusory State Practices that Convert Federal Aid into General State Revenue, Daniel L. Hatcher
Building Community, Still Thirsty for Justice: Supporting Community Development Efforts in Baltimore, Renee Hatcher and Jaime Alison Lee
Evolving Contours of Immigration Federalism: The Case of Migrant Children, Elizabeth Keyes
Putting Public Law into “Private” Sport, Dionne L. Koller
Team Physicians, Sports Medicine, and the Law: An Update, Dionne L. Koller
Class Warfare: Why Antitrust Class Actions are Essential for Compensation and Deterrence, Robert H. Lande
The Presumptions of Classical Liberal Constitutionalism, Matthew Lindsay
Causation in Whistleblowing Claims, Nancy M. Modesitt
Moving Family Dispute Resolution from the Court System to the Community, Jane C. Murphy and Jana B. Singer
Defending Breakthrough Innovation: The History and Future of the State of Patent Law, Max Oppenheimer
What Are Constitutional Rights For? The Case Of The Second Amendment, Christopher J. Peters
Of Grids and Gatekeepers: The Socioeconomics of Mediation, Robert Rubinson
New Wine in Old Wineskins: Metaphor and Legal Research, Amy E. Sloan and Colin Starger
Constitutional Law and Rhetoric, Colin Starger
There Are Cracks in the Civil Commitment Process: A Practitioner’s Recommendations to Patch the System, Donald H. Stone
Congressional and Presidential War Powers as a Dialogue: Analysis of the Syrian and ISIS Conflicts, Charles Tiefer and Kathleen Clark
Defining Lawmaking Power, Kimberly L. Wehle
Public Laws and Private Lawmakers, Kimberly L. Wehle
Public Laws and Private Lawmakers, Kimberly L. Wehle
Interpretation: Article I, Section 5, Ronald Weich and Martin B. Gold
Conjunctive Groundwater Management as a Response to Social Ecological Disturbances: A Comparison of Four Western U.S. States, Sonya Ziaja, Zachary P. Sugg, and Edella C. Schlager
Submissions from 2015
From Fugitives to Ferguson: Repairing Historical and Structural Defects in Legally Sanctioned Use of Deadly Force, José F. Anderson
"Law Is Coercion": Revisiting Judicial Power to Provide Equality in Public Education, José F. Anderson
Not Treble Damages: Cartel Recoveries Are Mostly Less Than Single Damages, John M. Connor and Robert H. Lande
Dubious Patent Reform, Gregory Dolin
Googling Down the Cost of Low Sanctions, Gregory Dolin
The Costs of Patent Reform: Early Data and Abuses in the Uneven Playing Field of Post-Issuance Review, Gregory Dolin
A Simpler Verifiable Gift Tax, Wendy G. Gerzog
Using the DNA Testing of Arrestees to Reevaluate Fourth Amendment Doctrine, Steven P. Grossman
The Four Stages of Youth Sports TBI Policymaking: Engagement, Enactment, Research, and Reform, Hosea H. Harvey, Dionne L. Koller, and Kerri M. Lowrey
Black Girls Face Disproportionate Discipline in Texas Schools, Karen Moran Jackson, Renee Hatcher, and Leonie Jones
Changing Course in the Anti-Domestic Violence Legal Movement: From Safety to Security, Margaret E. Johnson
Deferred Action: Considering What is Lost, Elizabeth Keyes
Zealous Advocacy: Pushing Against the Borders in Immigration Litigation, Elizabeth Keyes
Sports, Doping, and the Regulatory "Tipping Point", Dionne L. Koller
The Obese and the Elite: Using Law to Reclaim School Sports, Dionne L. Koller
Poverty, Dignity, and Public Housing, Jaime Alison Lee
Rights at Risk in Privatized Public Housing, Jaime Alison Lee
Law and People With Disabilities, Janet E. Lord, Deepti S. Raja, and Peter Blanck
Peacebuilding and Reintegrating Ex-Combatants with Disabilities, Janet E. Lord and Michael Ashley Stein
Military Law: Time to Mandate Best Interests of the Child to Restrict Deployments of Parents that Affect Preschool Children, John A. Lynch Jr.
Faced with Crisis: The Importance of Establishing a Comprehensive Crisis Management Plan, David E. Matchen Jr. and Jason Hawkins
A Government of Laws Not of Precedents 1776-1876: The Google Challenge to Common Law Myth, James Maxeiner
Law School Culture and the Lost Art of Collaboration: Why Don't Law Professors Play Well with Others, Michael I. Meyerson
The Original Meaning of "God": Using the Language of the Framing Generation to Create a Coherent Establishment Clause Jurisprudence, Michael I. Meyerson
Inclusion to Exclusion: Women in Syria, Catherine Moore and Tarsila Talarico
The Center for Elimination of Disproportionality and Disparities: Spearheading Texas's Ongoing Fight Against Institutional Racism and Other Causes of Inequity, Victor O. Obaseki and Renee Hatcher
Rethinking Compact Prosecution, Max Stul Oppenheimer
The Case For Reviving A Statutory Invention Registration System, Max Stul Oppenheimer
The Innovator's Dilemma, Max Stul Oppenheimer
Book Review: Body Banking from the Bench to the Bedside, Natalie Ram
DNA by the Entirety, Natalie Ram
The Holmes School of Law: A Proposal to Reform Legal Education through Realism, Robert Rubinson
There Is No Such Thing as Litigation: Access to Justice and the Realities of Adjudication, Robert Rubinson
Niccolò Machiavelli: Father of Modern Constitutionalism, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
Republicanism: Philosophical Aspects, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
The 95 Theses: Legal Research in the Internet Age, Amy E. Sloan
Outsourcing, Data Insourcing, and the Irrelevant Constitution, Kimberly L. Wehle
Judging Science: The Rewards and Perils of Courts as Boundary Organizations, Sonya Ziaja and Christopher Fullerton
Submissions from 2014
Simulating the Litigation Experience: How Mentoring Law Students in Local Cases Can Enrich Training for the Twenty-First Century Lawyer, José F. Anderson
Commentaries on the IAALS' Honoring Families Initiative White Paper, Barbara A. Babb
Family Courts are Here to Stay, So Let's Improve Them, Barbara A. Babb
Families Matter: Recommendations to Improve Outcomes for Children and Families in Court, Barbara A. Babb and Gloria Danziger
Foreword: The Death Penalty in Decline: From Colonial America to the Present, John Bessler
Mapping Supreme Court Doctrine: Civil Pleading, Scott Dodson and Colin Starger
Non-Price Competition in “Substitute" Drugs: The FTC's Blind Spot, Gregory Dolin
Resolving the Original Sin of Bolling v. Sharpe, Gregory Dolin
Speaking of Science: Introducing Notice and Comment into the Legislative Process, Gregory Dolin
The Costs of Patent "Reform": The Abuse of the PTO's Administrative Review Programs, Gregory Dolin
The Democratic Life of the Union: Toward Equal Voting Participation for Europeans with Disabilities, Janos Fiala-Butora, Michael Ashley Stein, and Janet E. Lord
Alms to the Rich: The Facade Easement Deduction, Wendy G. Gerzog
Van Alen: A Reasonable Consistency, Wendy G. Gerzog
What's Wrong with a Federal Inheritance Tax?, Wendy G. Gerzog
A Court for the One Percent: How the Supreme Court Contributes to Economic Inequality, Michele E. Gilman
Feminism, Democracy, and the "War on Women", Michele E. Gilman
Learning Critical Legal Theory Across the Curriculum: An Innovative Course in Applied Feminism, Michele E. Gilman