Submissions from 2014
Foreword: The Death Penalty in Decline: From Colonial America to the Present, John Bessler
The Birth of American Law: An Italian Philosopher and the American Revolution, John Bessler
Mapping Supreme Court Doctrine: Civil Pleading, Scott Dodson and Colin Starger
Genetic Resources, Indigenous Peoples and Federal Policy, Gregory Dolin
Highmark Inc. v. Allcare Management Systems and Octane Fitness v. Icon Health and Fitness - Post-Argument SCOTUScast, Gregory Dolin
Improving Legislation with the Help of Objective Scientific Advice, Gregory Dolin
Is IP Property or Government-Conferred Monopoly?, Gregory Dolin
Medtronic, Inc. v. Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC - Post-Decision SCOTUScast, Gregory Dolin
Non-Price Competition in “Substitute" Drugs: The FTC's Blind Spot, Gregory Dolin
Resolving the Original Sin of Bolling v. Sharpe, Gregory Dolin
Speaking of Science: Introducing Notice and Comment into the Legislative Process, Gregory Dolin
Supreme Court Series – Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc., Gregory Dolin
The Costs of Patent "Reform": The Abuse of the PTO's Administrative Review Programs, Gregory Dolin
University of Baltimore Law Professor Breaks Down SCOTUS Contraception Decision, Gregory Dolin
American Justice 2014: Nine Clashing Visions on the Supreme Court, Garrett Epps
Workers' Human Rights in Indiana: A Critical Look At Recent Violations, Dwight Gardner, Cheryl Rivera, Renee Hatcher, John E. Jackson Sr., and M. Thandabantu Iverson
Alms to the Rich: The Facade Easement Deduction, Wendy G. Gerzog
Van Alen: A Reasonable Consistency, Wendy G. Gerzog
What's Wrong with a Federal Inheritance Tax?, Wendy G. Gerzog
A Court for the One Percent: How the Supreme Court Contributes to Economic Inequality, Michele E. Gilman
Feminism, Democracy, and the "War on Women", Michele E. Gilman
Learning Critical Legal Theory Across the Curriculum: An Innovative Course in Applied Feminism, Michele E. Gilman
The Injustice of the Affluenza Defense, Michele E. Gilman
The Return of the Welfare Queen, Michele E. Gilman
Normative Legitimacy and International Courts, Nienke Grossman
Banking on Those Who Don't, Cassandra Jones Havard
Post-Racial Lending?, Cassandra Jones Havard
Labor Guide to Labor Law, Michael Hayes and Bruce S. Feldacker
Keynote Speech: A Letter from the Original Cause Lawyer, F. Michael Higginbotham
The Debilitating Effect of Exclusive Rights: Patents and Productive Inefficiency, William Hubbard
Flawed Coalitions and the Politics of Crime, David Jaros
Preempting the Police, David Jaros
A Home with Dignity: Domestic Violence and Property Rights, Margaret E. Johnson
Converge! Reimagining the Movement to End Gender Violence Symposium: Panel on Intersections of Gender, Economic, Racial, and Indigenous (In) Justice, Margaret E. Johnson
Race and Immigration, Then and Now: How the Shift to "Worthiness" Undermines the 1965 Immigration Law's Civil Rights Goals, Elizabeth Keyes
Clinical Legal Education: A (Brief) Comparison of the Evolving Structures and Pedagogy in Mexico, Canada and the United States, Elizabeth Keyes, David C. Koelsch, and Alejandro Posadas
Comments to the U.S. Sentencing Commission Concerning Antitrust Fines, Robert H. Lande
Should Section 5 Guidelines Focus on Economic Efficiency or Consumer Choice?, Robert H. Lande
The Proposed Damages Directive: The Real Lessons from the United States, Robert H. Lande
The Proposed Damages Legislation: Don't Believe the Critics, Robert H. Lande
Recent Journalism Awards Won by "Old," "New," and "Hybrid" Media, Robert H. Lande, Thomas J. Horton, and Virginia Callahan
Academic Extremism Threatens Democratic Values (Commentary), Kenneth Lasson
Sacred Cows, Holy Wars: Exploring the Limits of Law in the Regulation of Raw Milk and Kosher Meat, Kenneth Lasson
Federalism and Phantom Economic Rights in NFIB v. Sibelius, Matthew Lindsay
Torts: Theory and Practice, Fourth Edition, Joseph W. Little, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky, Stephen C. O'Connell, and Robert H. Lande
Government Internet Resources: Federal, State and Local, David E. Matchen Jr.
Building a Government of Laws: Adams and Jefferson 1776–1779, James Maxeiner
The Federal Rules at 75: Dispute Resolution, Private Enforcement or Decision According to Law?, James Maxeiner
Egypt, Lila Meadows, Nadia Adib Bamieh, and Janet E. Lord
The Game Changer: How the P5 Caused a Paradigm Shift in Norm Diffusion Post-9/11, Catherine Moore