Submissions from 2016
Legal Recognition of De Facto Parents: Victory for Same-Sex Parents or Threat to Parental Autonomy, Jane C. Murphy
The Fleecing of America’s Poor: Dan Hatcher’s The Poverty Industry, Jane C. Murphy
Why the Jolie-Pitt Divorce Won't Be Like Kramer vs. Kramer, Jane C. Murphy
Moving Family Dispute Resolution from the Court System to the Community, Jane C. Murphy and Jana B. Singer
Credit and Debit Cards, Savanna L. Nolan
Credit Reporting Agencies (CRAs), Savanna L. Nolan
Obscenity, Savanna L. Nolan
Defending Breakthrough Innovation: The History and Future of the State of Patent Law, Max Oppenheimer
What Are Constitutional Rights For? The Case Of The Second Amendment, Christopher J. Peters
Book Review: Academic Law Library Director Perspectives: Case Studies and Insights, Adeen Postar
Book Review (reviewing Louis Fisher's Congress: Protecting Individual Rights), Adeen Postar
Building a Virtual Law Library on a Shoestring, Adeen Postar
Of Grids and Gatekeepers: The Socioeconomics of Mediation, Robert Rubinson
Liberty and Republican Government in America: New Rome, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
New Wine in Old Wineskins: Metaphor and Legal Research, Amy E. Sloan and Colin Starger
Constitutional Law and Rhetoric, Colin Starger
There Are Cracks in the Civil Commitment Process: A Practitioner’s Recommendations to Patch the System, Donald H. Stone
Testimony Before the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, Charles Tiefer
The Polarized Congress: The Post-Traditional Procedure of Its Current Struggles, Charles Tiefer
What Trump Should Know About Regulations, Charles Tiefer
Congressional and Presidential War Powers as a Dialogue: Analysis of the Syrian and ISIS Conflicts, Charles Tiefer and Kathleen Clark
Defining Lawmaking Power, Kimberly L. Wehle
Public Laws and Private Lawmakers, Kimberly L. Wehle
Public Laws and Private Lawmakers, Kimberly L. Wehle
Interpretation: Article I, Section 5, Ronald Weich and Martin B. Gold
A Right to "Know" or a Right to "No"?: Recent Developments in the Law on Congressional Access to Information, Ronald Weich, Carl Levin, Linda J. Gustituts, Virginia E. Sloan, Steve Castor, and Andrew Wright
Conjunctive Groundwater Management as a Response to Social Ecological Disturbances: A Comparison of Four Western U.S. States, Sonya Ziaja, Zachary P. Sugg, and Edella C. Schlager
Submissions from 2015
From Fugitives to Ferguson: Repairing Historical and Structural Defects in Legally Sanctioned Use of Deadly Force, José F. Anderson
Genius for Justice: Charles Hamilton Houston and the Reform of American Law, José F. Anderson
"Law Is Coercion": Revisiting Judicial Power to Provide Equality in Public Education, José F. Anderson
Administrative "Death Squads" for Patents? Assessing the New Administrative Procedures for Challenging Patents - Podcast, Peter Cicala, Gregory Dolin, Robert Sterne, and Mark F. Schultz
Not Treble Damages: Cartel Recoveries Are Mostly Less Than Single Damages, John M. Connor and Robert H. Lande
An Opportunity Missed?: Kimble v. Marvel Enterprises - Podcast, Gregory Dolin
Commil USA v. Cisco Systems and Kimble v. Marvel Enterprises - Post-Argument SCOTUScast, Gregory Dolin
Dubious Patent Reform, Gregory Dolin
Googling Down the Cost of Low Sanctions, Gregory Dolin
Patent Agreements, Patent Validity, and the Supreme Court - Podcast, Gregory Dolin
Should a Royalty Agreement Exceed the Life of a Patent?, Gregory Dolin
The Costs of Patent Reform: Early Data and Abuses in the Uneven Playing Field of Post-Issuance Review, Gregory Dolin
A Simpler Verifiable Gift Tax, Wendy G. Gerzog
DOJ Has the Power to Crush Price-Fixers: Column, Douglas H. Ginsburg, Joshua D. Wright, Albert A. Foer, and Robert H. Lande
Why So Few Women on International Courts? It's Time for a Change, Nienke Grossman
The Limits of Judicial Mechanisms for Developing and Enforcing International Environmental Norms: Introductory Remarks, Nienke Grossman and Jacqueline Peel
It's Past Time for Maryland and Others to Ban Confederate Flag License Plates, Steven P. Grossman
Using the DNA Testing of Arrestees to Reevaluate Fourth Amendment Doctrine, Steven P. Grossman
The Four Stages of Youth Sports TBI Policymaking: Engagement, Enactment, Research, and Reform, Hosea H. Harvey, Dionne L. Koller, and Kerri M. Lowrey
Clinton Deserves Black Vote, F. Michael Higginbotham
Race Law: Cases, Commentary, and Questions, Fourth Edition, F. Michael Higginbotham
Black Girls Face Disproportionate Discipline in Texas Schools, Karen Moran Jackson, Renee Hatcher, and Leonie Jones