Submissions from 2016
Permitting Abused Spouses to Claim the Earned Income Tax Credit in Separate Returns, Fred B. Brown
Trump's Tax Plan Is "With You" If you're Rich, Fred B. Brown
Protecting Common Law Rights of the Unionized Worker: Demystifying Section 301 Preemption, Phillip Closius
The Jocks and the Justice: How Sotomayor Restrained College Athletes, Phillip J. Closius
Taking Patents, Gregory Dolin and Irina D. Manta
One Model of Collaborative Learning for Medical and Law Students at the University of Baltimore and Johns Hopkins University, Gregory Dolin and Natalie Ram
Privacy Protection Act, Eric Easton
What Constitutes Dangerous Political Speech and How It Can Incite Violence, Garrett Epps, Diane Rehm, Doyle McManus, Jennifer Mercieca, and Susan Benesch
Toward a Reality-Based Estate Tax, Wendy C. Gerzog
En-Gendering Economic Inequality, Michele E. Gilman
How Limiting Women's Access to Birth Control and Abortions Hurts the Economy, Michele E. Gilman
How the Supreme Court Made Income Inequality a Whole Lot Worse, Michele E. Gilman
Privacy as a Luxury Not for the Poor: Wyman v. James (1971), Michele E. Gilman
The Supreme Court Guarantees Economic Unfairness, Michele E. Gilman
Why the Supreme Court Matters for Workers, Michele E. Gilman
Achieving Sex-Representative International Court Benches, Nienke Grossman
Shattering the Glass Ceiling in International Adjudication, Nienke Grossman
Gender Balance and Diversity in International Adjudication: A Glass Ceiling?, Nienke Grossman, Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf, Liesbeth Lijnzaad, Catherine Marchi-Uhel, and Mélida Hodgson
Grow Up and Get Over Your Hillary Hang-ups, Steven P. Grossman
Monuments Should Reflect Today's Thinking, Steven P. Grossman
Whither Reasonable Suspicion: The Supreme Court's Functional Abandonment of the Reasonableness Requirement for Fourth Amendment Seizures, Steven P. Grossman
Decriminalizing Violence: A Critique of Restorative Justice and Proposal for Diversionary Mediation, M. Eve Hanan
Medicaid Maximization and Diversion: Illusory State Practices that Convert Federal Aid into General State Revenue, Daniel L. Hatcher
The Poverty Industry: The Exploitation of America's Most Vulnerable Citizens, Daniel L. Hatcher
Transforming the Poverty Industry, Daniel L. Hatcher
Building Community, Still Thirsty for Justice: Supporting Community Development Efforts in Baltimore, Renee Hatcher and Jaime Alison Lee
Commentary on City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power v. Manhart, Cassandra Jones Havard
U.S. Must Prioritize Financial Inclusion, Cassandra Jones Havard
Unbanked in Baltimore, Cassandra Jones Havard, Sheilah Kast, and Maureen Harvie
A Battle for America's Racial Soul, F. Michael Higginbotham
Voting Trump a Big Risk: Donald Trump Could Set Civil Rights Back 50 Years, F. Michael Higginbotham
What Do Blacks Have to Lose? Let Me Tell You, F. Michael Higginbotham
Baltimore State's Attorney Mosby on New Proposals to Change Police Misconduct Investigations, David Jaros, Tom Hall, Marilyn Mosby, and Edward Smith Jr.
Evolving Contours of Immigration Federalism: The Case of Migrant Children, Elizabeth Keyes
An Olympic Antidoping Champion, Dionne L. Koller
Don't Go Easy on Sharapova, Dionne L. Koller
Five Ring Fraud, Dionne L. Koller
Putting Public Law into “Private” Sport, Dionne L. Koller
Team Physicians, Sports Medicine, and the Law: An Update, Dionne L. Koller
Women's Soccer Shows How Far We've Come Since Title IX - and What Battles Remain, Dionne L. Koller
Class Warfare: Why Antitrust Class Actions are Essential for Compensation and Deterrence, Robert H. Lande
Holocaust Denial in North America, Kenneth Lasson
The Presumptions of Classical Liberal Constitutionalism, Matthew Lindsay
Bail Reform Begins with the Bench, Zina Makar
Hearsay and the Confrontation Clause, Lynn McLain
Causation in Whistleblowing Claims, Nancy M. Modesitt
Legal Recognition of De Facto Parents: Victory for Same-Sex Parents or Threat to Parental Autonomy, Jane C. Murphy
The Fleecing of America’s Poor: Dan Hatcher’s The Poverty Industry, Jane C. Murphy
Why the Jolie-Pitt Divorce Won't Be Like Kramer vs. Kramer, Jane C. Murphy