Spring 1980
Comment: State Court Jurisdiction: Demise of the Seider Doctrine
Albert J. Mezzanotte Jr.
Casenotes: Torts — Master and Servant — Negligent Hiring — Employer Owes a Duty to the General Public to Use Reasonable Care in Hiring and Retaining Employees. Evans v. Morsell, 284 Md. 160, 395 A.2d 480 (1978)
Marianne Jeannette Schmitt
Casenotes: Constitutional Law — Fourth Amendment — Random Stopping of Vehicles by Police for Routine Checks of License and Vehicle Registration Violates Fourth Amendment. Goode v. State, 41 Md. App. 623, 398 A.2d 801 (1979)
Constantine James Sfekas and Cynthia A. Riley
Book Reviews: Small Claims Courts: A National Examination
Robert F. Sweeney