Fall 1975
Product Liability Law Symposium: Introduction
John C. Eldridge
The Impact of Liability for Enhanced Injury
Edward S. Digges Jr.
A Practitioner's Guide to the Statutes of Limitations in Product Liability Suits
Francis B. Burch Jr.
Warranty Law in Maryland Product Liability Cases: Strict Liability Incognito?
Martin H. Freeman and Delverne A. Dressel
Proof of a Defect or Defectiveness
Robert E. Powell and M. King Hill Jr.
Notes and Comments: The Young and Frericks Cases: Re-Examining Traditional Theories of Manufacturer Liability for Product Defects
John A. Currier and Abba David Poliakoff
Notes and Comments: Evolving Consumer Safeguards — Increased Producer and Seller Responsibility in the Absence of Strict Liability
Steven I. Greenwald
Book Reviews: Ending Insult to Injury: No Fault Insurance for Products and Services
Eugene J. Davidson
Book Reviews: Product Liability
Eugene J. Davidson