Spring 1974
Venture Capital for Small Business
Eric Weinmann
The Wisdom of the Strict Locality Rule
John F. King and Ward B. Coe III
Notes and Comments: Reexamination of Maryland Policy Concerning Public Employee Strikes
Joseph L. Persico
Notes and Comments: Discrimination on the Basis of Illegitimacy in Maryland's Wrongful Death Statute
Richard S. Haynes
Recent Developments: Remedies—Measure of Damages for the Wrongful Death of a Minor Child. Barrett v. Charlson, 18 Md. App. 80, 305 A.2d 166 (1973)
Stephen M. Hearne
Recent Developments: Domestic Relations—Increase or Decrease of Permanent Alimony and Child Support—Granted without the Necessity of Showing a Change in the Circumstances of Both Parties. Lott v. Lott, 17 Md. App. 440, 302 A.2d 666 (1973)
Rignal W. Baldwin and Leslie Winner
Book Reviews: Cases and Materials on Corporate Finance
John J. Woloszyn
Book Reviews: The Conscience of a Lawyer
Eugene J. Davidson
Book Reviews: Lawyer's Lawyer, the Life of John W. Davis
Paul Mark Sandler