Winter 1988
Tax Symposium: Introduction
Howard A. Dawson Jr.
Tax Symposium: Subpart F, 1986 and Beyond
Walter D. Schwidetzky
Tax Symposium: An Overview of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit
Andrew Zack Blatter and Elena Marty-Nelson
Tax Symposium: Generation Skipping Transfer Tax
A. MacDonough Plant and Lynn Wintriss
Tax Symposium: General Utilities' Last Stand
J. Ronald Shiff
Tax Symposium: Limitations Imposed by the Tax Reform Act of 1986 on a Corporation's Use of Net Operating Loss Carryovers after an Ownership Change
William M. Davidow Jr.
Tax Symposium: The at-Risk Rules under the Tax Reform Act of 1986: The Door Closes on Tax-Motivated Investments
Olivia S. Byrne
Tax Symposium: Passive Activity Losses and Credits
Lester D. Bailey