Fall 1983
Federal Jurisdiction over Local Vote Fraud
Craig C. Donsanto
Common Law Doctrine of Merger: The Exceptions Are the Rule
Barry M. Goldman and Victoria Smouse Berghel
Residential Real Estate Transactions: A Comparison of the Uniform Land Transactions Act and Maryland Law
Barbara J. Britzke
Comments: An Indigent Accused Does Not Have a Constitutional Right to Appointed Counsel at Extradition Hearings: An Analytical Approach
Mark S. Dachille
Comments: Attorney Advertising in Maryland: A Need for Stricter Control
Carol Kaufmann Lisman
Comments: Hypnosis in Court: A New Twist on the Old Memory Game
James Kevin MacAlister
Comments: Admiralty Jurisdiction: The New Wave in Asbestos Litigation
Barbara Rhea Gathright
Casenotes: Constitutional Law — Commerce Power Authorizes Extension of ADEA to Protect Employees of State Governments. EEOC v. Wyoming, 103 S. Ct. 1054 (1983)
Steven Scott Stephens