Submissions from 1986
Developing Rational Standards for an Advertising Subsitution Policy, Charles Shafer
The End of Antitrust—Or a New Beginning?, Joe Sims and Robert H. Lande
Submissions from 1985
Professional Sports and Antitrust Law: The Groundrules of Immunity, Exemption and Liability, Phillip J. Closius
The Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2014: A Constitutional Response to Shelby County, Gilda R. Daniels, William Yeomans, Nicholas Stephanopoulos, Gabriel J. Chin, and Samuel Bagenstos
The Floating Island: A Tale of Washington, Garrett Epps
Reducing Unions' Monopoly Power: Costs and Benefits, Robert H. Lande and Richard O. Zerbe Jr.
Civil Liberties for Homosexuals: The Law in Limbo, Kenneth Lasson
In Defense of Group-Libel Laws, or Why the First Amendment Should Not Protect Nazis, Kenneth Lasson
Racial Defamation as Free Speech: Abusing the First Amendment, Kenneth Lasson
The Copyright Notice Requirement In The United States: A Proposed Amendment Concerning Deliberate Omissions Of Notice, Lynn McLain
The Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984: A Balancing Act on the Coaxial Wires, Michael I. Meyerson
The Pursuit of Pluralism: The Lessons from the New French Audiovisual Communications Law, Michael I. Meyerson
Vertical Restraints Guidelines: A Step Forward, Joe Sims and Robert H. Lande
Submissions from 1984
Involuntary Servitude: The Current Enforcement of Employee Covenants Not to Compete – A Proposal for Reform, Phillip J. Closius and Henry M. Schaffer
Public Land Banking and Mount Laurel II — Can There Be a Symbiotic Relationship?, Cassandra Jones Havard
Group Libel Versus Free Speech: When Big Brother Should Butt In, Kenneth Lasson
State Adoption of Federal Law - Legislative Abdication or Reasoned Policymaking?, Arnold Rochvarg
DOJ Adds Revisionist Dollop to '82 Merger Guidelines, Joe Sims and Robert H. Lande
Submissions from 1983
Not at the Behest of Nonlabor Groups: A Revised Prognosis for a Maturing Sports Industry, Phillip J. Closius
Warrantless Investigative Searches and Seizures of Automobiles and Their Contents, Steven A.G. Davison
Efficiency Considerations in Merger Enforcement, Alan A. Fisher Ph.D. and Robert H. Lande
Afterword: Could a Merger Lead to Both a Monopoly and a Lower Price?, Alan A. Fisher Ph.D., Robert H. Lande, and Walter Vandaele
Digest of (1982) EuGRZ Parts 1-24, Harvey Morrell
Submissions from 1982
Getting the Most Out of Washington: Using Congress to Move the Federal Bureaucracy, William S. Cohen and Kenneth Lasson
Fourth Amendment and Statutory Limitations on Entry and Inspection of Commercial Property in Environmental Enforcement, Steven A.G. Davison
Wealth Transfers as the Original and Primary Concern of Antitrust: The Efficiency Interpretation Challenged, Robert H. Lande
Submissions from 1981
The Uncertain Search for a Design Defect Standard, Steven A.G. Davison
Current Legal Standards of Predation, James D. Hurwitz, William E. Kovacic, Thomas A. Sheehan, and Robert H. Lande
Commentary: Rummel v. Estelle: Mockingbirds among the Brethren, Kenneth Lasson
Commentary: Rummel v. Estelle: Mockingbirds Among the Brethren, Kenneth Lasson
Your Rights As a Vet, Kenneth Lasson
The First Amendment and the Cable Television Operator: An Unprotective Shield against Public Access Requirements, Michael I. Meyerson
Submissions from 1980
Your Rights and the Draft, Kenneth Lasson
Submissions from 1979
Constitutionalizing Forfeiture Law—The German Example, James Maxeiner
Submissions from 1978
Private Lives of Public Servants, Kenneth Lasson
Submissions from 1977
Bane of American Forfeiture Law—Banished at Last?, James Maxeiner
Survey of Criminal Procedure — Alternative Dispositions of Defendants, Charles Shafer
Submissions from 1976
A History of Potomac River Conflicts, Kenneth Lasson
Submissions from 1975
Proudly We Hail: Profiles of Public Citizens in Action, Kenneth Lasson
Submissions from 1972
The Legal Control of Population Growth and Distribution in a Quality Environment: The Land Use Alternatives, Richard D. Lamm and Steven A.G. Davison
A History of Appalachian Coal Mines, Kenneth Lasson
The Workers: Portraits of Nine American Jobholders, Kenneth Lasson
The Asphalting of America: How the Government Subsidizes Highway Pollution in the Boswash Smog Bank, James Sullivan and Kenneth Lasson
Environmental Rights and Remedies, Victor J. Yannacone Jr., Bernard S. Cohen, and Steven A.G. Davison
Submissions from 1971
Abortion Reform, Richard D. Lamm and Steven A.G. Davison
Environmental Class Actions Seeking Damages: The Need for Environmental Class Action Suits, Richard D. Lamm and Steven A.G. Davison
Two Workers, Kenneth Lasson
Submissions from 1970
Part One: Historical Perspective (of the Chesapeake Bay), Kenneth Lasson
Submissions from 1968
Religious Freedom and the Church-State Relationship in Maryland, Kenneth Lasson