Submissions from 1998
Denial on the Campuses Demonstrably False Ideas Should Not Necessarily Be Protected by Bill of Rights, Kenneth Lasson
Passage of Religious Freedom Act Necessary to Fulfill Maryland's National Leadership Role, Kenneth Lasson
Pollard Case Is One for the Legal Books, Kenneth Lasson
Twain's Admiration of Jews Conflicted His Article of 100 Years Ago Seems Less Flattering Today, Kenneth Lasson
Why Clinton Should Pardon Pollard – Now, Kenneth Lasson
Confidentiality in Mediation, Jaime Alison Lee and Carl Giesler
Reproducing a Fit Citizenry: Dependency, Eugenics, and the Law of Marriage in the United States, Matthew Lindsay
International Legal Careers: Paths and Directions, James Maxeiner
U.S. “methods awareness” (Methodenbewußtsein) for German Jurists, James Maxeiner
Proposed Model Rules Governing the Admissibility of Computer-Generated Evidence, Lynn McLain and James E. Carbine
Assembly Bill to Speed Divorce after Abuse Will Save Many Lives, Bring Needed Reform, Jane C. Murphy
Legal Images of Motherhood: Conflicting Definitions From Welfare "Reform," Family and Criminal Law, Jane C. Murphy
'M' Is for the Many Things That 'Mother' Means Family Life Has Changed, but Family Law Hasn't Kept Pace, Jane C. Murphy
Writing Rules Does Not Right Wrongs, Odeana R. Neal
Joint Defense Agreements and Disqualification of Co-Defendant's Counsel,, Arnold Rochvarg
Separatism and the Democratic Entitlement in International Law, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
The Right To Republican Government Under International Law, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
The Sacred Fire of Liberty: Republicanism, Liberalism and the Law, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
Why States Are Bound by Customary International Law, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
Creating Effective Legal Research Exercises, Amy E. Sloan
The Specially Investigated President, Charles Tiefer
Managed Care and Managed Sentencing — A Tale of Two Systems, Ronald Weich
Submissions from 1997
Will the Punishment Fit the Victims? The Case for Pre-Trial Disclosure, and the Uncharted Future of Victim Impact Information in Capital Jury Sentencing, José F. Anderson
Consumer Choice: The Practical Reason for Both Antitrust and Consumer Protection Law, Neil W. Averitt and Robert H. Lande
Consumer Sovereignty: A Unified Theory of Antitrust and Consumer Protection Law, Neil W. Averitt and Robert H. Lande
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Family Law Jurisprudence: Application of an Ecological and Therapeutic Perspective, Barbara A. Babb
Death in the Dark: Midnight Executions in America, John Bessler
Governmental Liability Under CERCLA, Steven A.G. Davison
Chesapeake Waters: Four Centuries of Controversy, Concern and Legislation (Second Edition), Steven A.G. Davison, Jay G. Merwin Jr., John Capper, Garrett Power, and Frank R. Shivers Jr.
Protecting Intellectual Property Rights Through Civil Litigation: A Symposium, Eric Easton
Two Wrongs Mock a Right: Overcoming the Cohen Maledicta that Bar First Amendment Protection for Newsgathering, Eric Easton
The Shad Treatment, Garrett Epps
Reconciling the Dormant Conflict: Crafting a Banking Exception to the Fraudulent Conveyance Provision of the Bankruptcy Code for Bank Holding Company Asset Transfers, Cassandra Jones Havard
Synergy and Friction – CRA, BHCs, SBA and Community Development Lending, Cassandra Jones Havard
Thurgood Marshall: Legal Strategist For The Civil Rights Movement, F. Michael Higginbotham and José F. Anderson
A Feminist View of American Elder Law, Rebecca Korzec
Dashing Consumer Hopes: Strict Products Liability and the Demise of the Consumer Expectations Test, Rebecca Korzec
Working on the "Mommy-Track": Motherhood and Women Lawyers, Rebecca Korzec
Creating Competition Policy for Transition Economies: Introduction, Robert H. Lande
From Surrogates to Stories: The Evolution of Federal Merger Policy, Robert H. Lande and James Langenfeld
Holocaust Denial and the First Amendment: The Quest for Truth in a Free Society, Kenneth Lasson
Long Overdue, Kenneth Lasson
Pollard and Priorities, Kenneth Lasson
Ideas of the Marketplace: A Guide to the 1996 Telecommunications Act,, Michael I. Meyerson
Adjudication as Representation, Christopher J. Peters
Equality Revisited, Christopher J. Peters
International Economic Organization, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
International Relations and International Law, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
Republicanism, Liberalism, and the Law, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
Why Are U.S. Lawyers Not Learning from Comparative Law?, Ernst C. Stiefel and James Maxeiner