Activists who pursue gender justice in the United States have always focused on work, both the paid and unpaid kind. In her magisterial Sex Equality, Catharine MacKinnon chose "Work" as her first section, or illustrative locus, in the chapter titled "Sex and Sexism."' At the workplace, MacKinnon wrote, begins "the mosttraveled terrain" of sex equality law.2 Unpaid work fills the waking hours of most women. Women's labor makes the domestic economies of nation-states possible, even though it continues almost entirely uncounted in measurements of national output.' Injustices in both categories of work, the paid and unpaid, buttress each other.4
Mindful of the undertakings and achievements of gender-justice activists in the realm of work, this Article adds to their task by proposing more for feminist law to do.' I will argue that feminist efforts, which with respect to United States law have hewed mostly to what can be called the quality side of the inquiry about jobs, should enlarge to consider quantity too: that is, the number of jobs available. Widened attention would support the pursuit of quality and also add strength to a larger struggle for gender justice.
Recommended Citation
Bernstein, Anita
"Just Jobs,"
University of Baltimore Law Review: Vol. 45:
2, Article 3.
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