Trying the Case
The book is intended for:
• Attorneys who have never tried a case;
• Attorneys who have tried relatively few cases;
• and More experienced trial lawyers who would like to be more systematic in their presentation of cases or to be exposed to different approaches to trial practice.
The book covers:
• Opening Statements: Establishing the theme; How to strike the right emotional chord; Capturing the interest of the jury at the outset; Describing the applicable law; and Ending on the right note.
• Witness Preparation: Having the witness review her previous statements; Identifying problems; and Preparing the witness for cross examination.
• Direct Examination: Examination of expert and non-expert witnesses; and Dealing with potential problems in the testimony.
• Cross Examination: How to prepare and organize the testimony; How to frame questions and treat the witness appropriately; and Dealing with prior inconsistent statements.
• Exhibits: How to get an exhibit into evidence; Chain of custody; Limiting admissibility; Challenging the admissibility of exhibits.
• Objections: When and how to object; and Tactical considerations.
• Expert Witnesses: Whether to challenge an expert's qualifications; and Techniques for cross examining expert witnesses.
• Closing Argument: Completing the process of having the jury adopt your theme; Dealing with factual discrepancies; Organizing and discussing both sides of the case; Style and delivery; and Commonly asked questions.
Publication Date
MICPEL, The Maryland Institute for Continuing Professional Education of Lawyers
Baltimore, MD
law, trial, court, case, lawyer, evidence
Courts | Criminal Law | Criminal Procedure | Evidence | Law | Legal Profession
Recommended Citation
Grossman, Steven P., "Trying the Case" (1999). Books. 34.