Lawyers, Clients & Narrative: A Framework for Law Students and Practitioners
This book is a new primary text for use by the full panoply of experiential courses, including clinical, externship, legal writing, practical, interviewing, negotiation, counseling, and trial/appellate advocacy. Using multimedia examples, including the podcast Serial, as well as exercises drawn from actual lawyering situations, this book describes, explores, and analyzes narrative as a pedagogy of lawyering. The book addresses the broad spectrum of skills and practice areas and fora that the profession increasingly demands.
This is a comprehensive book for using narrative, stories, and storytelling to develop more fully and effectively as a lawyer. The book provides the theory and information for planning for, conducting, and reflecting on various lawyering activities. In addition, the authors make the teaching relatable and transferable to a variety of contexts by using concrete examples drawn from their own extensive practice, writing, and teaching using lawyering and narrative.
Publication Date
Carolina Academic Press
storytelling, clinical, externship, legal writing, practical, interviewing, negotiation, counseling, and trial/appellate advocacy
Law | Legal Education | Legal Writing and Research
Recommended Citation
Grose, Carolyn and Johnson, Margaret E., "Lawyers, Clients & Narrative: A Framework for Law Students and Practitioners" (2017). Books. 105.