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Journal Title

International Review of the Red Cross



First Page


Publication Date



The adoption of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

represents an important and (potentially) progressive development in the protection

framework under international humanitarian law (IHL). Article 11 of the CRPD

specifically obliges States to protect persons with disabilities from harm in

situations of risk, including armed conflict, consistent with IHL and human rights

law. The CRPD framework signals the need to address the traditional framing of

disability under IHL and to draw from human rights concepts in the CRPD in

order to inform the protection accorded to persons with disabilities in armed conflict.

This article is divided into four main parts: the first three address three main lines

of inquiry, while the fourth is forward-looking. The first part analyzes the framing

and construction of disability in IHL and the implications of such framing for the

protection of persons with disabilities. The second part analyzes fundamental IHL

rules in an effort to demonstrate how the framing of disability and the protection

framework of the CRPD can be used in the application of IHL. The third part

identifies some specific problem areas ripe for further disability scoping and

harmonization of the CRPD and IHL. Looking forward, the fourth part identifies

entry points for focused action and research aimed at bringing about the kind of

dynamic treaty practice envisioned by Article 11 of the CRPD.



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