Content Posted in 2025
Accounting for Disability in International Humanitarian Law, Janet E. Lord
Addressing the Accountability Void: War Crimes Against Persons With Disabilities, William I. Pons, Janet E. Lord, and Professor Michael Stein
Advancing Disability-inclusive Climate Research and Action, Climate Justice, and Climate-resilient Development, Janet E. Lord and et al.
Law and People With Disabilities, Janet E. Lord, Deepti S. Raja, and Peter Blanck
Protecting Civilians with Disabilities in Conflicts, Janet E. Lord, Gerard Quinn, Shantha Rau Barriga, and Catalina Devandas
Pursuing Inclusive Higher Education in Egypt and Beyond through the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Janet E. Lord and Michael Stein
The Hostilities-Occupation Dichotomy and Cultural Property in Non-International Armed Conflicts, Anne-Marie Carstens