Content Posted in 2016
1992: High Time for American Lawyers to Learn from Europe, or Roscoe Pound's 1906 Address Revisited, James Maxeiner
A Brief Survey of the Treatment of Electronically Stored Information by Federal Agencies, Richard Dauphinais
Academic Extremism Threatens Democratic Values (Commentary), Kenneth Lasson
A Case Study: Law and Emotions Within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Nanneke Quik-Schuijt and Irene Broekhuijse
Achieving Sex-Representative International Court Benches, Nienke Grossman
A Comparative Empirical Study of Negotiation in Criminal Proceedings Between Brazil and the United States of America, Ricardo Gueiros Bernardes Dias
A Controversy Fueled by Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE), Anthony Cognetti
Adjudication as Representation, Christopher J. Peters
Adjudicative Speech and the First Amendment, Christopher J. Peters
Admissibility of Scientific Evidence and Expert Testimony: One Potato, Two Potato, Daubert, Frye, Lynn McLain
Adoption, Elizabeth Samuels
Adoption Consents: Legal Incentives for Best Practices, Elizabeth Samuels
Adoption With Contact Law Awaits Governor's Signature, Elizabeth Samuels
Advertising Law in Europe and North America, Second Edition, James Maxeiner and Peter Schotthöfer
A Feminist View of American Elder Law, Rebecca Korzec
A Field of Dreams Needs a History, Kenneth Lasson
A Framework for Evaluating the Antitrust Legacy of the Reagan Administration, Robert H. Lande
After Microsoft Wins, Robert H. Lande
Afterword: Could a Merger Lead to Both a Monopoly and a Lower Price?, Alan A. Fisher Ph.D., Robert H. Lande, and Walter Vandaele
Against the Death Penalty, Stephen Breyer
A Government of Laws and Not Men: Prohibiting Non-Precedential Opinions by Statute or Procedural Rule, Amy E. Sloan
A Government of Laws Not of Precedents 1776-1876: The Google Challenge to Common Law Myth, James Maxeiner
A History of Appalachian Coal Mines, Kenneth Lasson
A History of Potomac River Conflicts, Kenneth Lasson
A Justice System Overwhelmed, Colin Starger
All of the Economic Aid the U.S., Eu, and Japan Give to the Developing World Is Stolen Back by Our Illegal Price-Fixing Cartels, Robert H. Lande
Alms to the Rich: The Facade Easement Deduction, Wendy G. Gerzog
A Matter of Dispute: Morality, Democracy, and Law, Christopher J. Peters
Amending the Oversight: Legislative Drafting and the Cable Act, Michael I. Meyerson
American Law Schools as a Model for Japanese Legal Education? A Preliminary Question from a Comparative Perspective, James Maxeiner
American Republicanism: Roman Ideology in the United States Constitution, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
Amicus Briefs, Kenneth Lasson
Analysis, Research, and Communication in Skills-Focused Courses, Ruth Anne Robbins, Amy E. Sloan, and Kristen Konrad Tiscione
An Anti-Antitrust Activist?; Podium, Robert H. Lande
An Ethical Education: Community and Morality in the Multicultural University, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
An Introduction To The Rules Of Evidence Applicable To Collection Cases In Maryland Trial Courts, Lynn McLain
An Olympic Antidoping Champion, Dionne L. Koller
Anticonsumer Effects of Union Mergers: An Antiitrust Solution, Robert H. Lande and Richard O. Zerbe Jr.
Antitrust Synthesis, Robert H. Lande
Antitrust & the Media - II, Robert H. Lande
A Reasonable Expectation of Privacy Online: "Do Not Track" Legislation, Alicia Shelton
Are Your Click-Wrap Agreements Valid?—Internet Contracting in the Global Electronic Age: Comparative Perspectives for Taiwan, James Maxeiner
A Right to "Know" or a Right to "No"?: Recent Developments in the Law on Congressional Access to Information, Ronald Weich, Carl Levin, Linda J. Gustituts, Virginia E. Sloan, Steve Castor, and Andrew Wright
A Right to Legal Aid: The ABA Model Access Act in International Perspective, James Maxeiner
As Antitrust Case Ends, Microsoft Is Victorious In Defeat, Norman Hawker and Robert H. Lande
A Simpler Verifiable Gift Tax, Wendy G. Gerzog
Assessing the New Judicial Minimalism, Christopher J. Peters
Assigning Rights And Protecting Interests: Constructing Ethical And Efficient Legal Rights In Human Tissue Research, Natalie Ram
A Tale of Two Religions: A Contractual Approach to Religion as a Factor in Child Custody and Visitation Disputes, Rebecca Korzec
A Teacher's Trouble: Risk, Responsibility and Rebellion, Margaret Martin Barry, Lisa Lerman, Homer La Rue, and Odeana R. Neal
A Test For Competition, Robert H. Lande
A Theory of Access to Justice, Robert Rubinson
Attorney Fact-Finding, Ethical Decision-Making and the Methodology of Law, Robert Rubinson
Authority for Maryland v. Kulbicki, Colin Starger
Authors, Editors, and Uncommon Carriers: Identifying the "Speaker" within the New Media, Michael I. Meyerson
Autonomy in the Law, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
A Visual Guide to Maryland v. King, Colin Starger
A Visual Guide to NFIB v. Sebelius, Colin Starger
A Visual Guide to United States v. Windsor: Doctrinal Origins of Justice Kennedy’s Majority Opinion, Colin Starger
Ax-Grinding Politics Leads to Unequal Justice, Kenneth Lasson
Bail Reform Begins with the Bench, Zina Makar
Baltimore Law Clubs: A Tradition Promoting the Integrity of the Bar Through Scholarship and Congeniality, Stuart R. Berger and Bryant S. Green
Baltimore's Monumental Question: Can the Heightened Social Conscience Against the Confederacy Rewrite the Constitutional Right to Due Process?, Blake Alderman
Baltimore State's Attorney Mosby on New Proposals to Change Police Misconduct Investigations, David Jaros, Tom Hall, Marilyn Mosby, and Edward Smith Jr.
Bane of American Forfeiture Law—Banished at Last?, James Maxeiner
Basic Legal Research: Tools and Strategies, Sixth Edition, Amy E. Sloan
Basic Legal Research Workbook Revised, Fourth Edition, Amy E. Sloan, Steven D. Schwinn, and John D. Edwards
Benefits from Private Antitrust Enforcement: An Analysis of Forty Cases, Robert H. Lande and Joshua P. Davis
Benefits from Private Antitrust Enforcement: Forty Individual Case Studies, Robert H. Lande and Joshua P. Davis
Betraying Truth: Ethics Abuse in Middle East Reporting, Kenneth Lasson
Beware Buyer Power, Robert H. Lande
Beyond Chicago: Will Activist Antitrust Arise Again?, Robert H. Lande
Birth Certificates, Elizabeth Samuels
Black and White Thinking in the Gray Areas of Antitrust: The Dismantling of Vertical Restraints Regulation, Barbara Ann White
Black Girls Face Disproportionate Discipline in Texas Schools, Karen Moran Jackson, Renee Hatcher, and Leonie Jones
Blind Justice: The Need to Introduce Diverse Perspectives Into Our Legal System, Edward H. Richardson
Bloodstains on a "Code of Honor": The Murderous Marginalization of Women in the Islamic World, Kenneth Lasson
Book Review: Academic Law Library Director Perspectives: Case Studies and Insights, Adeen Postar
Book Review: Body Banking from the Bench to the Bedside, Natalie Ram
Book Review: Limits of Law, Prerogatives of Power: Interventionism after Kosovo, by Michael J. Glennon, Charles Tiefer
Book Reviews: "Antitrust Law and Economics": Responding to an Ivory Tower Critique, Robert H. Lande
Boomer-Ang Eldercare: Deductible Claim?, Wendy G. Gerzog
Briefing Cases: Session on Copyright Law, Lynn McLain
Bringing Baseball to Israel, Kenneth Lasson
Britain’s New Preimplantation Tissue Typing Policy: An Ethical Defence, Natalie Ram
Building a Government of Laws: Adams and Jefferson 1776–1779, James Maxeiner
Building a Virtual Law Library on a Shoestring, Adeen Postar
Building Community, Still Thirsty for Justice: Supporting Community Development Efforts in Baltimore, Renee Hatcher and Jaime Alison Lee
Business Information and "Personal Data": Some Common-Law Observations about the EU Draft Data Protection Directive, James Maxeiner
Business Lawyer, Woman Warrior: An Allegory of Feminine and Masculine Theories, Barbara Ann White
Cable Television and Other Nonbroadcast Video, Daniel L. Brenner, Monroe E. Price, and Michael I. Meyerson
Cable Television's New Legal Universe: Early Judicial Response to the Cable Act, Michael I. Meyerson
Campuses and Common Sense, Kenneth Lasson
Can Appropriation Riders Speed Our Exit from Iraq?, Charles Tiefer
Can Congress Make a President Step Up a War?, Charles Tiefer
Can Green Building Law Save the Planet?, Stuart D. Kaplow
Can the President and Congress Establish a Legislative Veto Mechanism for Jointly Drawing Down a Long and Controversial War?, Charles Tiefer
Can You Hear Me Now?: Making Participatory Governance Work for the Poor, Jaime Alison Lee
Care for Those Who Wore the Uniform, Kenneth Lasson
Cartel Overcharges and Optimal Cartel Fines, John M. Connor and Robert H. Lande
Cartels as Rational Business Strategy: Crime Pays, John M. Connor and Robert H. Lande
Cashing in on Green: Casino Development and Sustainability, Emily Mikles
Causation in Whistleblowing Claims, Nancy M. Modesitt
Cesare Beccaria, John Bessler and the Birth of Modern Criminal Law, Alberto Cadoppi
Charm City Televised & Dehumanized: How CCTV Bail Reviews Violate Due Process, Edie Fortuna Cimino, Zina Makar, and Natalie Novak
Check-the-Box Regs and Gift Tax Discounts, Wendy G. Gerzog
Chicago's False Foundation: Wealth Transfers (Not Just Efficiency) Should Guide Antitrust, Robert H. Lande
Chicago Takes It On the Chin: Imperfect Information Could Play a Crucial Role in the Post-Kodak World, Robert H. Lande
Choosing among Antitrust Liability Standards under Incomplete Information: Assessments of and Aversions to the Risk of Being Wrong, Barbara Ann White
Citizen McCain, Michael I. Meyerson
Civilizing American Civil Justice: International Insights, James Maxeiner, Gyooho Lee, and Armin Weber
Civil Justice Reform in the United States — Opportunity for Learning from 'Civilized' European Procedure Instead of Continued Isolation?, Ernst C. Stiefel and James Maxeiner
Civil Liberties for Homosexuals: The Law in Limbo, Kenneth Lasson
Civil Liberties in Uncivil Times: The Perilous Quest to Preserve American Freedoms, Kenneth Lasson
Classifying Federal Taxes for Constitutional Purposes, Evgeny Magidenko
Client Counseling, Mediation, and Alternative Narratives of Dispute Resolution, Robert Rubinson
Coase and the Courts: Economics for the Common Man, Barbara Ann White
Collusion over Rules, Robert H. Lande and Howard P. Marvel
Commentary: Implications of Professor Scherer's Research for the Future of Antitrust, Robert H. Lande
Commentary: Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services, Inc., Margaret E. Johnson
Commentary: Rummel v. Estelle: Mockingbirds Among the Brethren, Kenneth Lasson
Commentary: Rummel v. Estelle: Mockingbirds among the Brethren, Kenneth Lasson
Commentator, Dreams Die Hard, Elizabeth Keyes
Comment: De Facto Parents in Maryland: When Will the Law Recognize Their Rights?, Michelle E. Kelly
Comment: Federalism and Two Conceptions of Rights, Christopher J. Peters
Comment: In the Street Tonight: An Equal Protection Analysis of Baltimore City's Juvenile Curfew, Andrew Middleman
Comment: Maryland State Bank: The Responsible Solution for Fostering the Growth of Maryland's Medical Cannabis Program, David Bronfein
Comments, Alan Nichols, Diplomatic Immunity Poses Big Hurdle for Domestic Workers, Elizabeth Keyes
Comments and Casenotes: To Kill a Mockingbird - Star Decisis and M'Naghten in Maryland, Kenneth Lasson
Comments: An Unnecessary "Solution": High-Performance Market-Rate Rental Housing, David Hornstein
Comments: Baltimore City's Green Building Standards, Building Towards an Uncertain Future, Gregory Franklin
Comments, Cynthia DiPasquale, Seeking Options for Human Trafficking Victims, Elizabeth Keyes
Comments, Ernesto Londono, Ex-Worker Sues Envoy of Tanzania, Elizabeth Keyes
Comments, Ernesto Londono, Police Raise Awareness of Human Trafficking, Elizabeth Keyes
Comments: Hydraulic Fracturing: Evaluating Fracking Regulations, Blake Lara
Comments, Kathryn Alfisi, Language Barriers to Justice, Elizabeth Keyes
Comments, Peter Hermann and Nick Madigan, Man Caught in Immigration Sting Files Lawsuit, Elizabeth Keyes
Comments: Private Investment: Trojan-horse or Shining Knight for America's Public Housing Stock, Andrew Balashov
Comments, Tim Craig, Montgomery Domestic Workers Plead for Help, Elizabeth Keyes
Comments to the U.S. Sentencing Commission Concerning Antitrust Fines, Robert H. Lande
Community Development vs. Economic Development: Residential Segregation, Tax Credits, and the Lack of Economic Development in Baltimore's Black Neighborhoods, Jennifer Nwachukwu
Comparative Deterrence from Private Enforcement and Criminal Enforcement of the U.S. Antitrust Laws, Robert H. Lande and Joshua P. Davis
Compelling Orthodoxy: Myth and Mystique in the Marketing of Legal Education, Kenneth Lasson
Confidentiality in Mediation, Jaime Alison Lee and Carl Giesler
Confine Is Fine: Have the Non-Dangerous Mentally Ill Lost Their Right to Liberty? An Empirical Study to Unravel the Psychiatrist’s Crystal Ball, Donald H. Stone
Conflicts in the Regulation of Hostile Business Takeovers in the United State and the European Union, Barbara Ann White
Congressional Practice and Procedure: A Reference, Research, and Legislative Guide, Charles Tiefer
Congress's Transformative Republican Revolution in 2001-2006 and the Future of One-Party Rule, Charles Tiefer
Consolidating Judgement Liens, Charles Shafer
Constitutionalizing Forfeiture Law—The German Example, James Maxeiner
Constitutional Law and Rhetoric, Colin Starger
Constitutional Rights And The Problem Of Legal Authority, Christopher J. Peters
Constructions of Client Competence and Theories of Practice, Robert Rubinson
Consumer Choice as the Best Way to Describe the Goals of Competition Law, Robert H. Lande
Consumer Choice as the Best Way to Recenter the Mission of Competition Law, Robert H. Lande
Consumer Choice as the Ultimate Goal of Antitrust, Robert H. Lande
"Consumer Choice" Is Where We Are All Going - so Let's Go Together, Neil W. Averitt, Robert H. Lande, and Paul Nihoul
Consumer Choice: The Practical Reason for Both Antitrust and Consumer Protection Law, Neil W. Averitt and Robert H. Lande
Controversial Speakers on Campus: Liberties, Limitations, and Common-Sense Guidelines, Kenneth Lasson
Copyright Corner: The Adoption of UCITA in Maryland, Harvey K. Morrell
Cost and Fee Allocation in Civil Procedure, James Maxeiner
Costs of No Codes, James Maxeiner
Could This Train Make It Through: The Law and Strategy of the Gold Train Case, Charles Tiefer, Jonathan W. Cuneo, and Annie Reiner
Countervailing Power—Different Rules for Different Markets? Conduct and Context in Antitrust Law and Economics, Barbara Ann White
Creating Competition Policy for Transition Economies: Introduction, Robert H. Lande
Creating Effective Legal Research Exercises, Amy E. Sloan
Credit and Debit Cards, Savanna L. Nolan
Credit Reporting Agencies (CRAs), Savanna L. Nolan
Criminal Practice Developments In Maryland Evidence Law And Confrontation Clause Jurisprudence, Lynn McLain
Current Legal Standards of Predation, James D. Hurwitz, William E. Kovacic, Thomas A. Sheehan, and Robert H. Lande
Cybertrash, Max Stul Oppenheimer
Dan Freed: My Teacher, My Colleague, My Friend, Ronald Weich
Dashing Consumer Hopes: Strict Products Liability and the Demise of the Consumer Expectations Test, Rebecca Korzec
Deadly Force, Mullenix v. Luna, and the Power of Dissent, Colin Starger
Death and Harmless Error: A Rhetorical Response to Judging Innocence, Colin Starger
Death by a Thousand Cuts: The Rule against Perpetuities, Angela M. Vallario
Defending Truth: Legal and Psychological Aspects of Holocaust Denial, Kenneth Lasson
Defense Base Act Insurance: Allocating Wartime Contracting Risks Between Government and Private Industry, Hugh Barrett McClean
Defined Value Clauses and Fair Market Value, Wendy G. Gerzog
Defining Lawmaking Power, Kimberly N. Wehle
Denial on the Campuses Demonstrably False Ideas Should Not Necessarily Be Protected by Bill of Rights, Kenneth Lasson
Der Sachverständige in Patentrechtsstreitigkeiten in den USA und Deutschland (The Expert in U.S. and German Patent Litigation), James Maxeiner
Determining Whether Property Is Necessary for an Effective Reorganization: A Proposal for the Use of Empirical Research, Charles Shafer
Developing Rational Standards for an Advertising Subsitution Policy, Charles Shafer
Different Roads to the Rule of Law: Their Importance for Law Reform in Taiwan, James Maxeiner
Digest of (1982) EuGRZ Parts 1-24, Harvey Morrell
Disrespecting the Federalist Papers, Michael I. Meyerson
DNA by the Entirety, Natalie Ram
DNA Helps Clear Man's Name from Rape Charge After 24 Years, Colin Starger
Doctrinal War in Ohio v. Clark, Colin Starger
Does Your Website Put You at Risk?—Liability Issues in Using Third Party Content: Global Perspectives, James Maxeiner
DOJ Adds Revisionist Dollop to '82 Merger Guidelines, Joe Sims and Robert H. Lande
Do the DOJ Vertical Restraints Guidelines Provide Guidance?, Alan A. Fisher Ph.D., Frederick I. Johnson, and Robert H. Lande
Economic Efficiency and the Parameters of Fairness: A Marriage of Marketplace Morals and the Ethic of Care, Barbara Ann White
Educating Lawyers Now and Then: An Essay Comparing the 2007 and 1914 Carnegie Foundation Reports on Legal Education; Education and a Reprint of the 1914 Report The Common Law and the Case Method in American University Law Schools by Josef Redlich, James Maxeiner and Josef Redlich
Educating Lawyers Now and Then: Two Carnegie Critiques of the Common Law and the Case Method, James Maxeiner
Efficiency Considerations in Merger Enforcement, Alan A. Fisher Ph.D. and Robert H. Lande
Empowerment Zones: Urban Revitalization Through Collaborative Enterprise, Audrey McFarlane
Endowed by Our Creator: The Birth of Religious Freedom in America, Michael I. Meyerson
En-Gendering Economic Inequality, Michele E. Gilman
Enron, Watergate and the Regulation of the Legal Profession, Arnold Rochvarg
Equality Revisited, Christopher J. Peters
Estate Planning Malpractice: Is Strict Privity Here to Stay?, Angela M. Vallario
Evidence Issues In CINA Cases, Lynn McLain
Evidence Issues in Employment Cases ALI-ABA and Georgetown CLE, Lynn McLain
Evidence Law Analyzed: Principles, Problems, and Cases Under the Federal and Maryland Rules, Second Edition, Lynn McLain
Evidentiary Considerations In Civil Cases, Lynn McLain
Exchange Cooperation for Visas: Flaws in U.S. Immigration System Criminalizes Trafficking Victims, Laurie Culkin
Exciting Changes in Central Baltimore: Examining the Homewood Community Partners Initiative, Gillian Rathbone-Webber
Excluding Expert Valuation Testimony, Wendy G. Gerzog
Exile on Main Street: Competing Traditions and Due Process Dissent, Colin Starger
Exorcising the Exercised: A Response to Professor Gordon, Kenneth Lasson
Expanding Stare Decisis: The Role of Precedent in the Unfolding Dialectic of Brady v. Maryland, Colin Starger
Expert Testimony And Scientific Evidence, Lynn McLain
Exploitation of the Elite: A Case for Physician Unionization, Dionne L. Koller
Facade Easement: Inexpert Valuation, Wendy G. Gerzog
Faced with Crisis: The Importance of Establishing a Comprehensive Crisis Management Plan, David E. Matchen Jr. and Jason Hawkins
Fact, Fiction And Proof In The 21st Century: Evidence And Credibility For Fact Finding By Administrative Law Judges, Lynn McLain
Failure of the Current Anti-Corruption Strategy in Afghanistan, Hugh Barrett McClean
Failures of American Civil Justice in International Perspective, James Maxeiner, Gyooho Lee, and Armin Weber
Families for Tax Purposes: What about the Steps, Wendy G. Gerzog
FDA Censoring of Manufacturers' Postmarketing Commitments in HIV/AIDS Drug Approval Letters, Aynur Unalp-Arida, Charles Shafer, Susan Tonascia, and Curtis Meinert
Federalism and Phantom Economic Rights in NFIB v. Sibelius, Matthew Lindsay
Federal Taxes on Gratuitous Transfers: Law and Planning, Joseph M. Dodge, Wendy G. Gerzog, and Bridget J. Crawford
Feminism Awry: Excesses in the Pursuit of Rights and Trifles, Kenneth Lasson
Feminist Foundations for the Law of Business: One Law and Economics Scholar's Survey and (Re)view, Barbara Ann White
FIFA World Cup 2022: Enjoying the Game at the Suffering of Migrant Workers, Iram Ashraf
Fifty Years Before Brady, Colin Starger
Fight Muhammad's 'Secret' with Facts, Kenneth Lasson
First Keynote Address, Kellye Y. Testy
Five Myths about Antitrust Damages, Robert H. Lande
Five Ring Fraud, Dionne L. Koller
FLP in the Black, Wendy G. Gerzog
FLP Loss, but Crummey Win, Wendy G. Gerzog
Foolish Consistency: On Equality, Integrity, and Justice in Stare Decisis, Christopher J. Peters
Foreword, Byron L. Warnken
Fortuity and Forensic Familial Identification, Natalie Ram
Fraud and Defalcation by a Fiduciary: The Amorphous Exception to Bankruptcy Discharge, H.C. Jones III
Freedom of Information and the EU Data Protection Directive, James Maxeiner
Free Exercise in the Free State: Maryland's Role in Religious Liberty and the First Amendment, Kenneth Lasson
Free Speech Faces Hostile Environment: An Aggressive Hunt for Sex Harassment Leaves Plenty of Wreckage, Kenneth Lasson
Free Speech: It's Great For Hate, Kenneth Lasson
From Fugitives to Ferguson: Repairing Historical and Structural Defects in Legally Sanctioned Use of Deadly Force, José F. Anderson
From Surrogates to Stories: The Evolution of Federal Merger Policy, Robert H. Lande and James Langenfeld
From the Greedy to the Needy, Wendy G. Gerzog
FTC v. Intel: Applying the "Consumer Choice" Framework to "Pure" Section 5 Allegations, Robert H. Lande
Fundamentals of Estate Planning, Angela M. Vallario
Gender Balance and Diversity in International Adjudication: A Glass Ceiling?, Nienke Grossman, Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf, Liesbeth Lijnzaad, Catherine Marchi-Uhel, and Mélida Hodgson
Gender Bias: Continuing Challenges and Opportunities, Rebecca Korzec
Getting the Most Out of Washington: Using Congress to Move the Federal Bureaucracy, William S. Cohen and Kenneth Lasson
Giving a Voice to the Silent Mentally Ill Client: An Empirical Study of the Role of Counsel in the Civil Commitment Hearing, Donald H. Stone
Globalization, Global Governance, and Challenges to Contemporary Constitutionalism: The (Trans) Constitutional Perspective and the Dialogue Among Jurisdictions, Thaís Vandresen and Maria Cláudia S. Antunes de Souza
Government as God: An Update on Federal Intervention in the Treatment of Critically Ill Newborns, Dionne L. Koller
Government Contract Law, Second Edition, Charles Tiefer and William A. Shook
Graev: Conditional Facade Easement, Wendy G. Gerzog
Group Libel Versus Free Speech: When Big Brother Should Butt In, Kenneth Lasson
Groveling at the Feet of Football's Greedy Lords, Kenneth Lasson
Grow Up and Get Over Your Hillary Hang-ups, Steven P. Grossman
Guiding Litigation: Applying Law to Facts in Germany, James Maxeiner
Hammerin’ Hank & the Golden Arm: Remembering Baseball’s Jewish Hall of Famers, Kenneth Lasson
Handling the Truth, Kenneth Lasson
Has Microsoft Committed the Perfect Caper?, Robert H. Lande and James Langenfeld
Hearsay and the Confrontation Clause, Lynn McLain
Hearsay and the Confrontation Clause, Lynn McLain
Hearsay Law: Recent Developments in Maryland and in the Supreme Court, Lynn McLain
Here to Stay or a Flash in the Pan? How Zoning and Property Laws May Affect Airbnb in Baltimore and the Nation, Michael Schultes
Holding the Executive Accountable in Egypt, Impeachment: A Losing Case, Dr. Mohamed Abdelaal
Holocaust Denial and the First Amendment: The Quest for Truth in a Free Society, Kenneth Lasson
How Adoption in America Grew Secret, Elizabeth Samuels
How Antidiscrimination Law Learned to Live with Racial Inequality, Matthew Lindsay
How Limiting Women's Access to Birth Control and Abortions Hurts the Economy, Michele E. Gilman
How the FTC Could Beat Google, Robert H. Lande and Jonathan L. Rubin
How the Right to Speedy Trial Can Reduce Mass Pretrial Incarceration, Zina Makar
How to Steal a Trillion: The Uses of Laws about Lawmaking in 2001, Charles Tiefer
Ideas of the Marketplace: A Guide to the 1996 Telecommunications Act,, Michael I. Meyerson
If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em: A Pragmatic Approach to Nonprecedential Opinions in the Federal Appellate Courts, Amy E. Sloan
Imagining Judges that Apply Law: How They Might Do It, James Maxeiner
Immigration as Invasion: Sovereignty, Security, and the Origins of the Federal Immigration Power, Matthew Lindsay
Immigration, Sovereignty, and the Constitution of Foreignness, Matthew Lindsay
Impeachment of Witnesses: A Walking Tour, Lynn McLain
Impending Legal Issues for Integrated Broadband Networks, Michael I. Meyerson
Implementing Effective Education in Specific Contexts, Ruth Anne Robbins, Amy E. Sloan, and Kristen Konrad Robbins-Tiscione
Incitement in the Mosques: Testing the Limits of Free Speech and Religious Liberty, Kenneth Lasson
In Defense of Group-Libel Laws, or Why the First Amendment Should Not Protect Nazis, Kenneth Lasson
In Defense of Naturalization Reform Symposium: Contributions, Arnold Rochvarg
Innocence Protection Act: Death Penalty Reform on the Horizon, Ronald Weich
In Search of "Laissez-Faire Constitutionalism", Matthew Lindsay
Integrating Practical Training and Professional Legal Education: Three Questions for Three Systems, James Maxeiner
Integrating Subchapters K and S and Beyond, Walter D. Schwidetzky
Integrating Subchapters K and S — Just Do It, Walter D. Schwidetzky
Intel's Alleged Schemes Affected U.S. Consumers, Robert H. Lande
International Legal Careers: Paths and Directions, James Maxeiner
International Red Cross Must Include Israel, Kenneth Lasson
Internet Contracting and Standard Terms in the Global Electronic Age: Perspectives for Japan, James Maxeiner
Interpretation: Article I, Section 5, Ronald Weich and Martin B. Gold
Introduction: Benefits of Private Enforcement: Empirical Background, Robert H. Lande
Introduction In Precedent In The United States Supreme Court, Christopher J. Peters
Introduction to Erasing Lines: Integrating the Law School Curriculum, Amy E. Sloan
IOC's Failure on Gymnasts' Ages Taints Games, Dionne L. Koller
Is a Grexit—A Greek Exit from the Eurozone—the Solution?, Ruby Devine
Is Europe Unfairly Attacking Another U.S. High Technology Company?, Robert H. Lande
Is Permitting Student Use of Laptops in Class a Good Idea? 'It Depends' - A Variety of Approaches is Best, Lynn McLain
Is the Rule of Necessity Really Necessary in State Administrative Law: The Central Panel Solution, Arnold Rochvarg
Is the Supreme Court a Political Institution? Yes and No., Lyle Denniston and Garrett Epps
It's the Law! Applying the Law is the Missing Measure of Civil Law / Common Law Convergence, James Maxeiner
It's Time to be Fair to Jonathan Pollard, Kenneth Lasson
Jerusalem Policy Makes No Sense, Kenneth Lasson
Jews in Jail, Kenneth Lasson
Joint Defense Agreements and Disqualification of Co-Defendant's Counsel,, Arnold Rochvarg
Jonathan Pollard: A More Genuine Notion of Justice, Kenneth Lasson
Judicial Control of Juries and Just Results in the Common Law System: A Historical Perspective, Frederic N. Smalkin
Justice and Jonathan Pollard, Angelo Codevilla, Irwin Cotler, Alan Dershowitz, and Kenneth Lasson
Justice Brennan's Gender Jurisprudence, Rebecca Korzec
Just Jobs, Anita Bernstein
Keeping a Foot in Each Camp: Adequate Public Facilities Ordinances as Both a Concurrency Tool and Means of Generating Revenue, Andrew Balashov
Koons: Interest Deduction and FLP Valuation Practice Pointers, Wendy G. Gerzog
Labor Is Losing Ground in the Workplace, Kenneth Lasson
Land-Value Taxation as a Method of Encouraging Growth in Baltimore, Michael Safko
Last Gasp Estate Planning: The Formation of Family Limited Liability Entities Shortly Before Death, Walter D. Schwidetzky
Law – Made in Germany: Global Standort or Global Standard?, James Maxeiner
Law Reviews and Technology: Copyright Law from Noah Webster to Tasini and the Importance of Written Contracts, Lynn McLain
Law School Culture and the Lost Art of Collaboration: Why Don't Law Professors Play Well with Others, Michael I. Meyerson
Lawyering Askew: Excesses in the Pursuit of Fees and Justice, Kenneth Lasson
Learning from Others: Sustaining the Internationalization and Globalization of U.S. Law School Curriculums, James Maxeiner
Learning Law: The Mastery of Legal Logic, Sheldon Margulies M.D. and Kenneth Lasson
Legal Certainty and Legal Methods: A European Alternative to American Legal Indeterminacy?, James Maxeiner
Legal Formalism, Procedural Principles, and Judicial Constraint in American Adjudication, Christopher J. Peters
Legal Indeterminacy Made in America: American Legal Methods and the Rule of Law, James Maxeiner
Legalizing Merger to Monopoly and Higher Prices: The Canadian Competition Tribunal Gets It Wrong, Alan A. Fisher Ph.D., Robert H. Lande, and Stephen F. Ross
Legal Methods as a Point of Reference for Comparative Studies of Procedural Law, James Maxeiner
Legal Reform and the Chongquing Effect: Two Steps Forward One Step Back?, Veronica Pastor
Legal Representation of Birth Parents and Adoptive Parents, Elizabeth Samuels
Legal Writing and Academic Support: Timing Is Everything, Dionne L. Koller
Let My People Go!, Kenneth Lasson
Letting Federal Unions Protest Improper Contracting-Out, Charles Tiefer
Liberty's Blueprint: How Madison and Hamilton Wrote The Federalist Papers, Defined the Constitution, and Made Democracy Safe for the the World, Michael I. Meyerson
Limited Liability Company Handbook, 2014-2015 Edition, Mark Sargent and Walter D. Schwidetzky
Linton Family LLC and the Step Transaction Doctrine, Wendy G. Gerzog
Linton Reversed: Indirect Gifts and the Step Transaction Doctrine, Wendy G. Gerzog
Listen to George Washington, Michael I. Meyerson
Litigating Intraoperative Neuromonitoring (IOM), Michael Brook and Kary Irle
Litigation in the U.S. and in the Civil Law System: What Can We Learn from Each Other?, James Maxeiner
Living Trusts in the Unauthorized Practice of Law: A Good Thing Gone Bad, Angela M. Vallario
Local Economic Development Incentives in an Era of Globalization: The Exploitation of Decentralization and Mobility, Audrey McFarlane
Long Overdue, Kenneth Lasson
Losses of Equal Value, Michael I. Meyerson
Mad Dogs and Englishmen: Pierson v. Post [A Ditty Dedicated to Freshman Law Students, Confused on the Merits], Kenneth Lasson
Making Fiction of Facts in the Israeli Spy Case, Kenneth Lasson, Angelo Codevilla, Lawrence J. Korb, and John Loftus
Mamaloshen at Hopkins: The Education of Marc Caplan, Kenneth Lasson
Managed Care and Managed Sentencing — A Tale of Two Systems, Ronald Weich
Mapping Supreme Court Doctrine: Civil Pleading, Scott Dodson and Colin Starger
Mapping the World: Facts and Meaning in Adjudication and Mediation, Robert Rubinson
Market Power Without A Large Market Share: The Role of Imperfect Information and other “Consumer Protection” Market Failures, Robert H. Lande
Maryland Administrative Law, Arnold Rochvarg
Maryland Criminal Pattern Jury Instructions, Second Edition, Byron L. Warnken
Maryland Criminal Procedure, Byron L. Warnken
Maryland Evidence, State & Federal, Third Edition, Lynn McLain
Maryland Personal Jurisdiction Law in the Cyberspace Content, Saad Gul
Maryland Practice Materials: A Selective Annotated Bibliography, Adeen Postar and Khelani Clay
Maryland Rules Commentary, Third Edition, Paul V. Niemeyer, Linda M. Schuett, John A. Lynch Jr., and Richard W. Bourne
Maryland Rules of Evidence, 2013-2014 Fourth Edition, Lynn McLain
Maryland's Adoption of a Code of Evidence, Lynn McLain
Maryland's Family Divisions Are a Model for Change, Barbara A. Babb, Gloria Danziger, and Michele H. Hong-Polansky
Maryland's First Evidence Code, Lynn McLain
Maryland's Medical Marijuana Law: Transactional and Ethical Perspectives for Real Estate Practitioners, Nicole M. Lacoste Folks, Lawrence F. Haislip, and Matthew L. Kimball
Maryland v. King: A Visual Guide Revisited, Colin Starger
Mathematics and the Legal Imagination: A Response to Paul Edelman, Michael I. Meyerson
Meeting the Legal Needs of Human Trafficking Victims: An Introduction for Domestic Violence Attorneys and Advocates, Jean Bruggeman and Elizabeth Keyes
Microsoft Critic Urges Break-Up, Robert H. Lande
Military Law: Time to Mandate Best Interests of the Child to Restrict Deployments of Parents that Affect Preschool Children, John A. Lynch Jr.
Millenial Feminisms: How the Newest Generation of Lawyers May Change the Conversation About Gender Equality in the Workplace, Meghan M. Boone
Modern Maryland Civil Procedure, Second Edition, John A. Lynch Jr. and Richard W. Bourne
Monopoly Power and Market Power in Antitrust Law, Thomas G. Krattenmaker, Robert H. Lande, and Steven C. Salop
More Lessons From Japan: End Industrywide Collective Bargaining?, Robert H. Lande and Richard O. Zerbe Jr.
More than Just Law School: Global Perspectives on the Place of the Practical in Legal Education, James Maxeiner
Morgens: More QTIP Mischief, Wendy G. Gerzog
Mousetraps and Muffling Cups: One Hundred Brilliant and Bizarre United States Patents, Kenneth Lasson
Moving Family Dispute Resolution from the Court System to the Community, Jane C. Murphy and Jana B. Singer
Mr. Obama Is Following the Law on Immigration, Elizabeth Keyes
Myths and Misunderstandings, Michael I. Meyerson
Myths and Moms: Images of Women and Termination of Parental Rights, Odeana R. Neal
Naturalization and Criminal Offenses, Detention, & Removal: A Legal Guide for Immigrants & Advocates, Elizabeth Keyes and Naima Mian
Negron: Circuits Now Split 2-2, Wendy G. Gerzog
New Federal Rules in Sex Offense Cases, Lynn McLain
New Forces Chip Away at Agencies' Policy of Antitrust Abandonment, Joe Sims and Robert H. Lande
New Options for State Indirect Purchaser Legislation: Protecting the Real Victims of Antitrust Violations, Robert H. Lande
New Wine in Old Wineskins: Metaphor and Legal Research, Amy E. Sloan and Colin Starger
No Magic Formula: A New Approach for Calculating the Ten Year Time Period for Admission of Prior Conviction Evidence, Amy E. Sloan
No More 'Sha Still', Kenneth Lasson
Not All Defined Value Clauses Are Equal, Wendy G. Gerzog
Not Really a Battle of the Sexes: Women’s Health Agenda Advocates Global Equality in Medical Research Trials and Drug Administration, Margery R. Beltran
No Wonder They Dislike Us: US Admonishes Europe for Protecting Itself from Microsoft's Predation, Albert A. Foer and Robert H. Lande
Obama's Woes, Kenneth Lasson
Obscenity, Savanna L. Nolan
Of Grids and Gatekeepers: The Socioeconomics of Mediation, Robert Rubinson
Of Myths and Evidence: An Analysis of 40 U.S. Cases for Countries Considering a Private Right of Action for Competition Law Violations, Robert H. Lande and Joshua P. Davis
One Model of Collaborative Learning for Medical and Law Students at the University of Baltimore and Johns Hopkins University, Gregory Dolin and Natalie Ram
On Letters & Law Reviews: A Jaded Rejoinder, Kenneth Lasson
Operatively White: Exploring the Significance of Race and Class through the Paradox of Black Middle-Classness, Audrey McFarlane
Options to Acquire Partnership Interests: Can the Tax Law Keep Pace?, Walter D. Schwidetzky
Originalism, Stare Decisis, and Constitutional Authority, Christopher J. Peters
Our First Televised Genocide, Kenneth Lasson
Outcomes, Reasons, and Equality, Christopher J. Peters
Out of Cite, Out of Mind: Navigating the Labyrinth That is State Appellate Courts' Unpublished Opinion Practices, Lauren S. Wood
Out-of-Court Statements: The Concentric Hoops of the Hearsay Rule and the Confrontation Clause, Lynn McLain
Overcoming Land Use Localism: How HUD's New Fair Housing Regulation Can Push States to Eradicate Exclusionary Zoning, Thomas Silverstein
Overcoming Under-Compensation and Under-Deterrence in Intentional Tort Cases: Are Statutory Multiple Damages the Best Remedy?, Stephen J. Shapiro
Panel 1: Legal Scholarship and Legal Education, Anita LaFrance Allen, Jeffrey L. Harrison, Shari Motro, and Mortimer N.S. Sellers
Panel 2: Legal Scholarship and the Legal System, Rashmi Dyal-Chand, David Hamilton, Amy R. Mashburn, Nina Pillard, and Ronald Weich
Panel 3: Emerging Forms of Legal Scholarship, Ross E. Davies, Jake Heller, Daniel Martin Katz, and Colin Starger
Panel 4: Legal Scholarship, Journalism, and New Media, Solangel Maldonado, Jane C. Murphy, Kermit Roosevelt, and Garrett Epps
Panel 5: Capstone Session – Legal Scholarship for the Next Generation, Frank O. Bowman III, Michele E. Gilman, Maxwell L. Stearns, Robin L. West, and Christopher J. Peters
Panel Discussion on Self-Regulation, Robert H. Lande
Parochialism, Cosmopolitanism, and the Foundations of International Law, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
Partnership Taxation, Third Edition, Richard Lipton, Paul Carman, Charles Fassler, and Walter D. Schwidetzky
Part One: Historical Perspective (of the Chesapeake Bay), Kenneth Lasson
Passage of Religious Freedom Act Necessary to Fulfill Maryland's National Leadership Role, Kenneth Lasson
Passover and Jonathan Pollard, Kenneth Lasson
Pass-Through Entity Reform: Is a Major Overhaul Necessary?, Walter D. Schwidetzky
Patents 101: Patentable Subject Matter and Separation of Powers, Max Stul Oppenheimer
Persuasion: A Model of Majoritarianism as Adjudication, Christopher J. Peters
Physician Liability and Managed Care: A Philosophical Perspective, Dionne L. Koller
Pleading and Access to Civil Procedure: Historical and Comparative Reflections on Iqbal, a Day in Court and a Decision According to Law, James Maxeiner
Policy and Methods: Choices for Legislatures, James Maxeiner
Policy and Methods in German and American Antitrust Law: A Comparative Study, James Maxeiner
Political Correctness Askew: Excesses in the Pursuit of Minds and Manners, Kenneth Lasson
Political Numeracy: Mathematical Perspectives on Our Chaotic Constitution, Michael I. Meyerson
Pollard and Priorities, Kenneth Lasson
Pollard Case Is One for the Legal Books, Kenneth Lasson
Pollard Languishes, Kenneth Lasson
Pollard Treated Unfairly, Kenneth Lasson
Popular Sovereignty And Legality, Christopher J. Peters
Post-Chicago School Paradigm Emerges: A New Foundation For Antitrust Law, Albert A. Foer and Robert H. Lande
Post-Crawford: Time to Liberalize the Substantive Admissibility of a Testifying Witness's Prior Consistent Statements, Lynn McLain
Potential Impacts on Individuals Caused by the Invasion of NGOs into International Politics, Zhao Li and Haibin Qi
Poverty, Dignity, and Public Housing, Jaime Alison Lee
Precedent in the United States Supreme Court, Christopher J. Peters
Preserving Community in the City: Special Improvement Districts and the Privatization of Urban Racialized Space, Audrey McFarlane
Preserving the Exceptional Republic: Political Economy, Race, and the Federalization of American Immigration Law, Matthew Lindsay
Presidential Memories: Lincoln's Relationship with the Jews - Remembered on President's Day, Kenneth Lasson
Price-Fixing: Hefty Penalties on Big-Biz Cartels Will Provide Level Playing Field to Small Businesses, John M. Connor and Robert H. Lande
Principles and Practice of Maryland Administrative Law, Arnold Rochvarg
Privacy Protection Act, Eric Easton
Private Lives of Public Servants, Kenneth Lasson
Privileges: Spousal, Attorney-Client, and Priest-Penitent, Lynn McLain
Products Liability Harmonization: A Uniform Standard, Rebecca Korzec
Professional Identity as Advocacy, Robert Rubinson
Professor Waller's Un-American Approach to Antitrust, Robert H. Lande
Pro-gun Scholars Twist Constitution, Kenneth Lasson
Proposed Model Rules Governing the Admissibility of Computer-Generated Evidence, Lynn McLain and James E. Carbine
Proposed Regulations on Noncompensatory Options: A Light at the End of the Tunnel, Walter D. Schwidetzky
Proudly We Hail: Profiles of Public Citizens in Action, Kenneth Lasson
Proving the Obvious: The Antitrust Laws Were Passed to Protect Consumers (Not Just to Increase Efficiency), Robert H. Lande
Public Laws and Private Lawmakers, Kimberly N. Wehle
Public Laws and Private Lawmakers, Kimberly N. Wehle
Punitive Damages: Punishment of an Insured Defendant?, Carroway v. Johnson, Kenneth Lasson
Putting Public Law into “Private” Sport, Dionne L. Koller
Putting the "Public" Back into Public-Private Partnerships for Economic Development, Audrey McFarlane
Quick - Somebody Call Amnesty International! Intel Says EU Antitrust Fine Violated Human Rights, Robert H. Lande
"Quick-Takes" on a Few Recent Decisions in Evidence Law ... and Rule 5-407, Lynn McLain
Race, Space and Place: The Geography of Economic Development, Audrey McFarlane
Race, Space and Place: The Internal Critique of the Empowerment Zones Program, Audrey McFarlane
Racial Defamation as Free Speech: Abusing the First Amendment, Kenneth Lasson
Racism in Great Britain: Drawing the Line on Free Speech, Kenneth Lasson
Racism in Higher Education: Brown's Effect on Campus Bigotry, Kenneth Lasson
Ratification and Undisclosed Principals, Arnold Rochvarg
Rebuilding the Public-Private City: Regulatory Taking's Anti-Subordination Insights for Eminent Domain and Redevelopment, Audrey McFarlane
Recent Development: Counts v. State: Absent the Defendant's Consent, the State May Not Amend the Charging Document if the Amendment Changes the Character of the Offense, Kristin E. Shields
Recent Development: State v. Waine: A Court May Reopen a Closed Post Conviction Proceeding to Address a Challenge to an Advisory Only Jury Instruction, Ashley N. Nelson-Raut
Recent Journalism Awards Won by "Old," "New," and "Hybrid" Media, Robert H. Lande, Thomas J. Horton, and Virginia Callahan
Recent Trends In Merger Enforcement in the United States: The Increasing Impact of Economic Analysis, Robert H. Lande and James Langenfeld
Re: Commission's Request for Comments on the Use of Disgorgement in Antitrust Matters, Robert H. Lande
Recurring Nightmares? Evidence Issues that Keep Coming Back in Employment Cases, Lynn McLain
Redevelopment and the Four Dimensions of Class in Land Use, Audrey McFarlane
Reducing Unions' Monopoly Power: Costs and Benefits, Robert H. Lande and Richard O. Zerbe Jr.
Reinventing the EEOC, Nancy M. Modesitt
Religious Freedom and the Church-State Relationship in Maryland, Kenneth Lasson
Religious Liberty in the Military: The First Amendment under "Friendly Fire", Kenneth Lasson
Religious Liberty in the Military: The First Amendment Under "Friendly Fire", Kenneth Lasson
Representing Yourself: What You Can Do Without a Lawyer, Revised Edition, Kenneth Lasson, Alan B. Morrison, and Ralph Nader
Reproducing a Fit Citizenry: Dependency, Eugenics, and the Law of Marriage in the United States, Matthew Lindsay
Republican Legal Theory: The History, Constitution and Purposes of Law in a Free State, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
Republican Principles in International Law: The Fundamental Requirements of a Just World Order, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
Researching the Law: Finding What You Need When You Need It, Amy E. Sloan
Response: Metaphor and Meaning in Trawling for Herring, Colin Starger
Restrain “Risky Business”: Treat High-Risk Private Security Contractors as Inherently Governmental, Charles Tiefer
Resurrecting Incipiency: From Von's Grocery to Consumer Choice, Robert H. Lande
Rethinking Compact Prosecution, Max Stul Oppenheimer
Rettungsfolter (“Rescue Torture”): Report on the Gäfgen v. Germany Case Pending Before the European Court on Human Rights, James Maxeiner
Returning Citizens: How Shifting Law and Policy in Maryland Will Help Citizens Who Return From Incarceration, Khyla D. Craine, Esq. and Glenn E. Martin
Reverse Engineering of Computer Software and U.S. Antitrust Law, Robert H. Lande and Sturgis M. Sobin
Review of A Final Accounting, Holocaust Survivors and Swiss Banks, Adeen Postar
Revitalizing Section 5 of the FTC Act Using “Consumer Choice” Analysis, Robert H. Lande
Rewriting Near v. Minnesota: Creating a Complete Definition of Prior Restraint, Michael I. Meyerson
Rights at Risk in Privatized Public Housing, Jaime Alison Lee
Risk-Utility Analysis and the Learned Hand Formula: A Hand That Helps or a Hand That Hides?, Barbara Ann White
Robert Bork's Controversial Legacy, Robert H. Lande
Sacred Cows, Holy Wars: Exploring the Limits of Law in the Regulation of Raw Milk and Kosher Meat, Kenneth Lasson
Scalia & Garner's Reading Law: A Civil Law for the Age of Statutes?, James Maxeiner
Scholarly and Scientific Boycotts of Israel: Abusing the Academic Enterprise, Kenneth Lasson
Scholarship Amok: Excesses in the Pursuit of Truth and Tenure, Kenneth Lasson
Second Keynote Address, Jack M. Balkin
Selected Salient Evidentiary Issues in Employment Discrimination Cases, Lynn McLain
Selective Bibliography Relating to Law Students and Lawyers with Disabilities, Adeen Postar
Senate Bills 284-285 A "Bribery Exception" to Maryland's Legislative Privilege, Lynn McLain
Session A: Courage and Creativity in Legal Scholarship, Shari Motro
Session B: Is Law Review Scholarship Passé?, Kenneth Lasson
Session C: Legal Scholarship and Foreign Legal Systems, James Maxeiner
Session D: Collaboration, Iteration and Design in Legal Scholarship, Mark Edwards
Session E: Interdisciplinary Scholarship, Eric Easton
Session F: Library Support for Faculty Scholarship, Adeen Postar
Setting a Precedent about Precedent: William Richman on Federal Appellate Justice, Amy E. Sloan
Settlement Equals Another Missed Opportunity for the Supreme Court to Define Disparate Impact Claims Under the Fair Housing Act, Erika Flaschner
Shape up or Ship Out: Accountability to Third Parties for Patent Ambiguities in Testamentary Documents, Angela M. Vallario
Shapiro: Palimony and the Estate Tax, Wendy G. Gerzog
Shifting of Income Within the Family: Will 1986 I.R.C. Changes Bring Significant Reform, John A. Lynch Jr.
Should Predatory Pricing Rules Immunize Exclusionary Discounts?, Robert H. Lande
Should the Internet Exempt the Media Sector from the Antitrust Laws?, Thomas J. Horton and Robert H. Lande
Significant Recent Developments in Maryland Regarding Character Evidence and Impeachment, Lynn McLain
Significant Statistics: The Unwitting Policy Making of Mathematically Ignorant Judges, Michael I. Meyerson and William Meyerson
Skunk in an Onion Patch Buchanan Threatens Dole If He Doesn't Shut Up-and America If He Does, Kenneth Lasson
Slouching Towards Equality, Christopher J. Peters
Solving the Problem of Organ Donation Shortage, Samuel D. Hodge Jr. and Nicole Marie Saitta-Gill
Some Learning Opportunities from the Imus Affair, Kenneth Lasson
Some Realism About Legal Certainty in the Globalization of the Rule of Law, James Maxeiner
Some Words Are Injurious . . . Some Cause a Raging Storm, Kenneth Lasson
Sounds of Silence, Kenneth Lasson
South China Sea Takeover: Destroying Fisheries and Creating Economic Dead-lands for Surrounding Coastal States, Aviana Cooper
Sports, Doping, and the Regulatory "Tipping Point", Dionne L. Koller
Spousal Election: Suggested Equitable Reform for the Division of Property at Death, Angela M. Vallario
Standard Terms Contracting in the Global Electronic Age: European Alternatives, James Maxeiner
State Adoption of Federal Law - Legislative Abdication or Reasoned Policymaking?, Arnold Rochvarg
Step Right Up: Using Consumer Decision Making Theory to Teach Research Process in the Electronic Age, Amy E. Sloan
Stop the Killing: Potential Courtroom Use of a Questionnaire that Predicts the Likelihood that a Victim of Intimate Partner Violence Will Be Murdered By Her Partner, Amanda Hitt and Lynn McLain
Stories Out of School: Teaching the Case of Brown v. Voss, Elizabeth Samuels
Summaries of Twenty Cases of Successful Private Antitrust Enforcement, Joshua P. Davis and Robert H. Lande
Superiority of Remediation Liens: A Cure to the Virus of Blight, Marilyn Uzdavines
Surrender and Subordination: Birth Mothers and Adoption Law Reform, Elizabeth Samuels
Survey of Criminal Procedure — Alternative Dispositions of Defendants, Charles Shafer
Taking on Water: Local Government, Eminent Domain, and the Foreclosure Crisis, Brian Cullin
Taxation of the Disposition of Partnership Issues: Time to Repeal I.R.C. Section 736, John A. Lynch Jr.
Teaching First-year Civil Procedure and Other Introductory Courses by the Problem Method, Stephen J. Shapiro
Testimony Before the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, Charles Tiefer
The 95 Theses: Legal Research in the Internet Age, Amy E. Sloan
The American "Rule": Assuring the Lion His Share, James Maxeiner
The Art of Line Drawing: The Establishment Clause and Public Aid to Religiously Affiliated Child Care, Elizabeth Samuels
The Asphalting of America: How the Government Subsidizes Highway Pollution in the Boswash Smog Bank, James Sullivan and Kenneth Lasson
The Astonishing Year(s) of 1996: A Confusion of Tongues and Alphabetical Camels the First Time as Tragedy, Kenneth Lasson
The Bavarian Case for Registering Guns, James Maxeiner
The Benefits of Voluntary Inpatient Psychiatric Hospitalization: Myth or Reality?, Donald H. Stone
The Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984: A Balancing Act on the Coaxial Wires, Michael I. Meyerson
The Case For Reviving A Statutory Invention Registration System, Max Stul Oppenheimer
The Case of Maria Teresa Rivera: The Fight for Reproductive Rights in El Salvador, Carisa Hatfield
The Center for Elimination of Disproportionality and Disparities: Spearheading Texas's Ongoing Fight Against Institutional Racism and Other Causes of Inequity, Victor O. Obaseki and Renee Hatcher
The Chicago School's Foundation is Flawed: Antitrust Protects Consumers, John B. Kirkwood and Robert H. Lande
The Confrontation Clause After Crawford v. Washington Montgomery County State's Attorney's Office, Lynn McLain
The Copyright Notice Requirement In The United States: A Proposed Amendment Concerning Deliberate Omissions Of Notice, Lynn McLain
The Dangers of Psychotropic Medication for Mentally Ill Children: Where Is the Child’s Voice in Consenting to Medication? An Empirical Study, Donald H. Stone
The Demonization of Jonathan Pollard, Kenneth Lasson
The Dialectic of Stare Decisis Doctrine, Colin Starger
The Disabled Lawyers Have Arrived; Have They Been Welcomed with Open Arms into the Profession? An Empirical Study of the Disabled Lawyer, Donald H. Stone
The DNA of an Argument: A Case Study in Legal Logos, Colin Starger
The Dog that Didn't Bark: Stealth Procedures and the Erosion of Stare Decisis in the Federal Courts of Appeals, Amy E. Sloan
The 'Double Feature' of Hearsay and the Confrontation Clause, Plus Coming Attractions, Lynn McLain
The Economist and the Enlightenment: How Cesare Beccaria Changed Western Civilization, John Bessler
The Efficient Consumer Form Contract: Law and Economics Meet the Real World, Michael I. Meyerson
The End of Antitrust—Or a New Beginning?, Joe Sims and Robert H. Lande
The Ethical and Legal Basis for Student Practice in Clinical Education in the United States and Japan: A Comparative Analysis, Robert Rubinson
The European Union’s Microsoft Case: No Time for Jingoism, Albert A. Foer and Robert H. Lande
The Evolution of United States Antitrust Law: The Past, Present, and (Possible) Future, Albert A. Foer and Robert H. Lande
The Expert in U.S. and German Patent Litigation, James Maxeiner
The Failure of Environmental International Law During Times of War, Blake Lara
The Fate of Scholarship in American Law Schools Program Brochure
The Federal Rules at 75: Dispute Resolution, Private Enforcement or Decision According to Law?, James Maxeiner
The First Amendment and FCC Rule Making under the 1992 Cable Act, Michael I. Meyerson
The First Amendment and the Cable Television Operator: An Unprotective Shield against Public Access Requirements, Michael I. Meyerson
The Fixable Flaws of America's Civil Justice System, James Maxeiner
The Fleecing of America’s Poor: Dan Hatcher’s The Poverty Industry, Jane C. Murphy
The FTC's Cruise Lines Decisions: Three Cheers For Transparency, Warren S. Grimes, Norman Hawker, John Kwoka, Robert H. Lande, and Diana Moss
The Garcetti Virus, Nancy M. Modesitt
The Gentleman from Hagerstown: How Maryland Jews Won the Right to Vote, Kenneth Lasson
The Glass Ceiling in Law Firms: A Form of Sex-Based Discrimination, Rebecca Korzec
The Greening of Public Private Partnerships: What Design Professionals and Contractors Need to Know for Green Building's Next Legal Frontier, Tracy L. Steedman, Stephen Del Percio, and Matthew L. Kimball
The Holmes School of Law: A Proposal to Reform Legal Education through Realism, Robert Rubinson
The Hundred-Years War: The Ongoing Battle Between Courts and Agencies over the Right to Interpret Federal Law, Nancy M. Modesitt
The Idea of Adoption: An Inquiry into the History of Adult Adoptee Access to Birth Records, Elizabeth Samuels
The Impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act on Legal Education and Academic Modifications for Disabled Law Students: An Empirical Study, Donald H. Stone
The Innocence Protection Act of 2004: A Small Step Forward and a Framework for Larger Reforms, Ronald Weich
The Innovator's Dilemma, Max Stul Oppenheimer
The Intel and Microsoft Settlements, Robert H. Lande
The Internationalization of Law and Legal Education, Jan Klabbers and Mortimer N.S. Sellers
The Iraq Debacle: The Rise and Fall of Procurement-Aided Unilateralism as a Paradigm of Foreign War, Charles Tiefer
The Irrational Supreme Court, Michael I. Meyerson
The Judiciary in the United States: A Search for Fairness, Independence and Competence, Stephen J. Shapiro
The Limits of Legal Discourse: Learning From the Civil Rights Movement in the Quest for Gay and Lesbian Civil Rights, Odeana R. Neal
The Making of a Law Teacher, Odeana R. Neal
The Map is Not the Territory: How South Africa Followed the Anti-Corruption Roadmap and Got Lost Along the Way, George Langendorf
The Market for Justice, the "Litigation Explosion," and the "Verdict Bubble": A Closer Look at Vanishing Trials, Frederic N. Smalkin and Frederic N.C. Smalkin
The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr., Hate Crimes Prevention Act: A Criminal Perspective, Meredith Boram
The Microsoft-Yahoo Merger: Yes, Privacy is an Antitrust Concern, Robert H. Lande
The Mismatch Between Probable Cause and Partial Matching, Natalie Ram
The Model Rules of Professional Conduct and Serving the Non-Legal Needs of Clients: Professional Regulation in a Time of Change, Robert Rubinson
The Neglected History of the Prior Restraint Doctrine: Rediscovering the Link between the First Amendment and the Separation of Powers, Michael I. Meyerson
The New Inner-City: Class Transformation, Concentrated Affluence and the Obligations of the Police Power, Audrey McFarlane
The New Japanese Law Schools: Putting the Professional into Legal Education, James Maxeiner and Keiichi Yamanaka
The New Super-Charged Pat (Power of Appointment Trust), Wendy G. Gerzog
The New World Order: Sovereignty, Human Rights, and the Self-Determination of Peoples, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
The Original Meaning of "God": Using the Language of the Framing Generation to Create a Coherent Establishment Clause Jurisprudence, Michael I. Meyerson
The Perfect Caper?: Private Damages and the Microsoft Case, Robert H. Lande and James Langenfeld
The Polyphonic Courtroom: Expanding the Possibilities of Judicial Discourse, Robert Rubinson
The Poverty Industry: The Exploitation of America's Most Vulnerable Citizens, Daniel L. Hatcher
The Price of Abuse: Intel and the European Commission Decision, Robert H. Lande
The Professional in Legal Education: Foreign Perspectives, James Maxeiner
The Properties of Instability: Markets, Predation, Racialized Geography, and Property Law, Audrey McFarlane
The Pursuit of Pluralism: The Lessons from the New French Audiovisual Communications Law, Michael I. Meyerson
The "Reasonable Plant" Test: When Progress Outruns the Constitution, Max Stul Oppenheimer
The Reconceptualization of Legislative History in the Supreme Court, Charles Tiefer
The Regression of "Good Faith" in Maryland Commercial Law, Lisa D. Sparks
There Is No Such Thing as Litigation: Access to Justice and the Realities of Adjudication, Robert Rubinson
The Reunification of Contract: The Objective Theory of Consumer Form Contracts, Michael I. Meyerson
The Right to Speak, the Right to Hear, and the Right Not to Hear: The Technological Resolution to the Cable/Pornography Debate, Michael I. Meyerson
The Rise and (Coming) Fall of Efficiency as the Ruler of Antitrust, Robert H. Lande
The Role of Brazil and the United States in the International Promotion of the Right to a Healthy Environment, José Adércio Leite Sampaio and Beatriz Souza Costa
The Rule of Law in Comparative Perspective, Mortimer N.S. Sellers and Tadeusz Tomaszewski
The Rule of Law in the Reform of Legal Education: Teaching the Legal Mind in Japanese Law Schools, James Maxeiner
The Rules Of Evidence Applicable In Maryland Trial Courts, Lynn McLain
The Sacred Fire of Liberty: Republicanism, Liberalism and the Law, Mortimer N.S. Sellers
The Semi-Sovereign Presidency: The Bush Administration's Strategy for Governing Without Congress, Charles Tiefer
The Size of Cartel Overcharges: Implications for U.S. and EC Fining Policies, John M. Connor and Robert H. Lande
The Specially Investigated President, Charles Tiefer
The Strange History of Adult Adoptee Access to Original Birth Records, Elizabeth Samuels
The Sweeney Legacy: A Tribute to the District Court of Maryland's First Chief Judge, John P. Morrissey and Lauren Kitzmiller
The Times They are Not A-Changin': Reforming the Charitable Split-Interest Rules (Again), Wendy G. Gerzog
The Tintinnabulation of Bell's Letters, Kenneth Lasson
The Trouble with Protest, Kenneth Lasson
The Trump Presidency: What it Means for the Supreme Court, Lyle Denniston, Ronald Weich, and Roger E. Hartley
The Use and Effectiveness of Various Learning Materials in an Evidence Class, Stephen J. Shapiro
The Virtual Clerk's Office: A Proposed Model Judgement Lien Act for the Computer Age, Charles Shafer
The Virtue of Obscurity, Colin Starger
The War on Terrorism and the Constitution, Michael I. Meyerson
The Watergate Conspiracy Conviction and Appeal of Assistant Attorney General Robert Mardian, Arnold Rochvarg
The Workers: Portraits of Nine American Jobholders, Kenneth Lasson
The Write Way: Past "AALL Call for Papers" Winners Advise the Hesitant Writer, Adeen Postar
Thinking Like a Lawyer Abroad: Putting Justice into Legal Reasoning, James Maxeiner
This Gun for Hire: Dancing in the Dark of the First Amendment, Michael I. Meyerson
Thoughts on Dastar from a Copyright Perspective: A Welcome Step toward Respite for the Public Domain, Lynn McLain
Tiered Consent And The Tyranny Of Choice, Natalie Ram
Time to Decide? The Laws Governing Mothers' Consents to the Adoption of Their Newborn Infants, Elizabeth Samuels
Tips for Appealing to the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA), Elizabeth Keyes
To Be or Not to Be, That Is the Statehood Question, Alexandra Rickart
Torture, Truth Serum, and Ticking Bombs: Toward a Pragmatic Perspective of Coercive Interrogation, Kenneth Lasson
To Stimulate, Provoke, or Incite? Hate Speech and the First Amendment, Kenneth Lasson
Transcanada v. Obama Administration – 15 Billion for Cancellation of Keystone XL Pipeline Project, Aviana Cooper
Transforming the Poverty Industry, Daniel L. Hatcher
Trembling in the Ivory Tower: Excesses in the Pursuit of Truth and Tenure, Kenneth Lasson
TTIP: A Free Trade Agreement That Strengthens the International Trade Environment and Enhances the Regulatory Powers of the WTO, Suzanne De Deyne
Twain's Admiration of Jews Conflicted His Article of 100 Years Ago Seems Less Flattering Today, Kenneth Lasson
Two Rules for Better Writing, Amy E. Sloan
Two Workers, Kenneth Lasson
UB Viewpoint – AOL/Microsoft Settlement Could Harm Consumers, Robert H. Lande
UB Viewpoint – Media Mergers, Antitrust Law and Consumer Choice, Robert H. Lande
UB Viewpoint – The Silence of the Muslims, Kenneth Lasson
Under-the-Table Overruling, Christopher J. Peters
Uniform Law and Its Impact on National Laws Limits and Possibilities, James Maxeiner
Universal Human Rights: Moral Order in a Divided World, David Reidy and Mortimer N.S. Sellers
University of Baltimore Journal of International Law Volume 3 No. 2 (2014-2015) Front Matter
University of Baltimore Journal of International Law Volume 4 No. 1 (2015-2016) Front Matter
University of Baltimore Journal of International Law Volume 4 No. 2 (2015-2016) Front Matter
University of Baltimore Journal of Land and Development Volume 3 Number 2 (Spring 2014)
University of Baltimore Journal of Land and Development Volume 4 Number 1 (Fall 2014) Front Matter
University of Baltimore Journal of Land and Development Volume 4 Number 2 (Spring 2015) Front Matter
University of Baltimore Journal of Land and Development Volume 5 Number 1 (Fall 2015) Front Matter
University of Baltimore Journal of Land and Development Volume 5 Number 2 (Spring 2016) Front Matter
University of Baltimore Law Forum Volume 45 No. 1 (Fall 2014) Front Matter
University of Baltimore Law Forum Volume 46 No. 1 (Fall 2015) Front Matter
University of Baltimore Law Forum Volume 46 No. 2 (Spring 2016) Front Matter
University of Baltimore Law Forum Volume 47 No. 1 (Fall 2016) Front Matter
University of Baltimore Law Review Volume 45 Number 1 Fall 2015 Front Matter
University of Baltimore Law Review Volume 45 Number 2 Spring 2016 Front Matter
University of Baltimore Law Review Volume 45 Number 3 Summer 2016 Front Matter
Use Best Practices to Promote Your Library, Adeen Postar
Using the NFL as a Model? Considering Zero Tolerance in the Workplace for Batterers, Deseriee A. Kennedy
U.S. “methods awareness” (Methodenbewußtsein) for German Jurists, James Maxeiner
Valuation Discounting Techniques: Terms Gone Awry, Wendy G. Gerzog
Valuing Fractional Interests in Art for Estate Tax Purposes, Wendy G. Gerzog
Van Alen: A Reasonable Consistency, Wendy G. Gerzog
Veering Right: How the Bush Administration Subverts the Law for Conservative Causes, Charles Tiefer
Vertical Restraints Guidelines: A Step Forward, Joe Sims and Robert H. Lande
Video Games and NCAA Athletes: Resolving a Modern Threat to the First Amendment, Alex Vlisides
Virtual Constitutions: The Creation of Rules for Governing Private Networks, Michael I. Meyerson
Wandering Far Afield with Defined Value Clauses, Wendy G. Gerzog
Watergate, Multiple Conspiracies, and the White House Tapes, Arnold Rochvarg
Watergate Victory: Mardian's Appeal, Arnold Rochvarg
Welcoming Remarks, Ronald Weich and Christopher J. Peters
What Are Constitutional Rights For? The Case Of The Second Amendment, Christopher J. Peters
What Constitutes Dangerous Political Speech and How It Can Incite Violence, Garrett Epps, Diane Rehm, Doyle McManus, Jennifer Mercieca, and Susan Benesch
What Do Blacks Have to Lose? Let Me Tell You, F. Michael Higginbotham
What Do Exit Polls and Flu Vaccine Shortages Have in Common?, Albert A. Foer, Robert H. Lande, and F.M. Scherer
What Law Schools Are Doing to Accommodate Students with Learning Disabilities, Donald H. Stone
What Lies Beneath: Interpretive Methodology, Constitutional Authority, and the Case of Originalism, Christopher J. Peters
What's Wrong with a Federal Inheritance Tax?, Wendy G. Gerzog
When Are Agreements Enforceable? Giving Consideration to Professor Barnett's Consent Theory of Contract, James Maxeiner
When Inclusion Leads to Exclusion: The Uncharted Terrain of Community Participation in Economic Development, Audrey McFarlane
When Should States Challenge Mergers: A Proposed Federal/State Balance, Robert H. Lande
When Sommers Are Winters: Do Blanks Denote Revocability?, Wendy G. Gerzog
When the Politicians Pick the Voters, Lyle Denniston and Garrett Epps
Whistleblowing: The Law of Retaliatory Discharge, Third Edition, Nancy M. Modesitt, Janie F. Schulman, and Daniel P. Westman
Whither Reasonable Suspicion: The Supreme Court's Functional Abandonment of the Reasonableness Requirement for Fourth Amendment Seizures, Steven P. Grossman
Who Determines the Optimal Trade-off between Quality and Price?, Barbara Ann White
Who Fits the Profile?: Thoughts on Race, Class, Clusters and Redevelopment, Audrey McFarlane
Whose Bright Idea Was This Anyway? The Origins of Judicial Elections in Maryland, Yosef Kuperman
Why Antitrust Damage Levels Should be Raised, Robert H. Lande
Why Are U.S. Lawyers Not Learning from Comparative Law?, Ernst C. Stiefel and James Maxeiner
Why Are We So Reluctant to "Execute" Microsoft?, Robert H. Lande
Why Clinton Should Pardon Pollard – Now, Kenneth Lasson
Why the Jolie-Pitt Divorce Won't Be Like Kramer vs. Kramer, Jane C. Murphy
Why the Supreme Court Matters for Workers, Michele E. Gilman
Why Whistleblowers Lose: An Empirical and Qualitative Analysis of State Court Cases, Nancy M. Modesitt
Wimmer Wins FLP Annual Exclusions, Wendy G. Gerzog
Women's Soccer Shows How Far We've Come Since Title IX - and What Battles Remain, Dionne L. Koller
Workers' Human Rights in Indiana: A Critical Look At Recent Violations, Dwight Gardner, Cheryl Rivera, Renee Hatcher, John E. Jackson Sr., and M. Thandabantu Iverson
Working on the "Mommy-Track": Motherhood and Women Lawyers, Rebecca Korzec
World War 4.0: The Intel Antitrust Wars, Robert H. Lande
Writing Rules Does Not Right Wrongs, Odeana R. Neal
Wrongful Discharge: The Use of Federal Law as a Source of Public Policy, Nancy M. Modesitt
Yes, Microsoft Did Hurt Consumers, Albert A. Foer and Robert H. Lande
Your Honor, the Defense Asks for a Meaningful Bail, Zina Makar
Your Rights and the Draft, Kenneth Lasson
Your Rights As a Vet, Kenneth Lasson
You Take My Space, I Take Your Air: An Empirical Study of Disabled Parking and Motor Vehicle Laws for Persons with Disabilities, Donald H. Stone
Zero and the Rise of Technological Lawmaking, Max Stul Oppenheimer
"Zoning" In on Maryland's Nascent Marijuana Industry, Matthew McComas